:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 2 - Issue 19 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 7 November 1993 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: ATARI .............. News, reviews, & solutions ............ ATARI :: :: EXPLORER ............ for the online Atari .......... EXPLORER :: :: ONLINE ................. Community .............. ONLINE :: :: :: :: Published and Copyright ½ 1993 by Subspace Publishers :: :: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: Publisher ........................... Michael Lindsay EXPLORER :: :: Editor .................................. Travis Guy AEO.MAG :: :: Assistant Editor GEnie................ Ron Robinson EXPLORER.1 :: :: Assistant Editor CompuServe.......... Albert Dayes AEO.1 :: :: Assistant Editor Delphi......... Andreas Barbiero AEO.2 :: :: Assistant Editor Internet........ Timothy Wilson AEO.8 :: :: Atari Asylum ................... Gregg Anderson AEO.7 :: :: Unabashed Atariophile ..... Michael R. Burkley AEO.4 :: :: Atari Artist ................... Peter Donoso EXPLORER.2 :: :: :: :: Contributor: :: :: """""""""""" :: :: Brian Gockley :: :: :: :: Telecommunicated to you via: :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: GEnie: AEO.MAG :: :: CompuServe: 70007,3615 :: :: Delphi: AEO_MAG :: :: Fnet: AEO Conference, Node 319 :: :: AtariNet: AEO Conference, Node 51:1/10 :: :: Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com :: :: :: :: Internet subscription service: stzmagazine-request@virginia.edu :: :: (Internet subscription requests ONLY!) :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Table of Contents * From the Editors ............................. Atari - just off Broadway. * Dateline: Atari! ........................ Bob Brodie and Ron Kovacs live from New York in a post- news event RTC on GEnie. * Atari Artist .......................... What it was like at the NY media bash, plus the regular fare of Video and Music news. * 3DO, and facing Doom for the Jaguar ...... Tim Wilson gets hands-on time with a 3DO. Will the Jaguar meet its Doom? We hope so. * EdHak Review ............................... Albert Dayes goes over this "can-do" ST application. * The Unabashed Atariophile ................... New PD and Shareware files for _your_ Atari computer. * Dinolympics ........................... Tim Wilson reviews the Lynx game. * Andreas' Den ........................ Headed home, Andreas speculates on new CPUs and Time-Warner/Atari. * GEnie News ........................... New files & happenings on Atari's Official Online Resource. * Shutdown ............................ Around the world and up your block. --==--==--==--==-- ||| From the Editors ....... Atari Explorer Online: The Next Generation ||| Travis Guy / | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings! Welcome to Atari Explorer Online, your window on events happening in the World Atari. Where to begin? Lead with your best, I always say. Paramount has announced a new television series called, "Star Trek: Voyager" that should be appearing sometime in 1995 as the backbone to Paramount's newly announced television network. Star Trek: The Next Generation will close out its television run at the end of this, its seventh, season, and the crew of the Enterprise-D will transfer to the silver screen. The first ST:TNG movie has been slated for release in the Christmas 1994 season. So what else is going on? Atari pulled of a fantastic general introduction for the Jaguar this past Thursday in the Time-Life Building in New York City. Quite probably the most anticipated event in recent Atari history, the Corporation pulled no punches in showing the 300+ assembled guests just what the new 64-bit Jaguar Multimedia System can do. The impressions made Thursday night will be long lasting. I think it's funny - the "Kids," whom many held could do no right, now have the ears of the industry. First up in this issue (after I shut up) is the monthly Dateline: Atari RTC, held just hours after the Thursday media event. Bob Brodie and his special guest Ron Kovacs (how'd everyone fit into that hotel room?) spent over two hours answering questions and taking the well wishes of what many old-timers say was a near-record crowd for a GEnie STRT Real Time Conference. Congratulations to the GEnie software engineers also - there was no distracting slowdown in the conference response time, and no annoying that I saw. So what was it like Thursday night at the shindig inside the Hemisphere Club? What are the new Atari TV commercials like? Read Atari Artist. There's Brian Gockley's firsthand account, plus Pete's eyewitness account of a real, live Atari TV ad. Pete and Fadi go over the Video and Music happenings in the last month as well. Tim Wilson, my Internet Editor sent me EMail late Friday telling me that the Jaguar will meet its Doom. I mailed back, "No Way! Give me an article." Tim replied, "Way! Here it is." As he said, the Jaguar does appear to be facing its Doom, and we here at AEO hope it comes sooner than later. Read Tim's "I played a 3DO (and lived to tell about the Jaguar's Doom)" article for the whole story. Atari COMPUTERS? Oh yeah, we remember them. Albert Dayes has a nice review of EdHak - that "do it all" text/sector/RAM editor utility, and Michael Burkley show off dozens of new PD and shareware files in his Unabashed Atariophile. We close out with our first Lynx review, Dinolympics, and Andreas' last column before his return from Navy duty in the Far East. Atari's stock has taken off to new heights, there's Atari ads on television again. What? Did someone forget to post a freeze warning notice for Hell? What else can happen? Well... there's going to be a little (American) football tussle this Saturday in South Bend, Indiana. It seems that the "always the bridesmaid, never the bride" Florida State University Seminoles (maintaining their season-long #1 ranking) will visit the hallowed home of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish (sitting safe and secure at #2) to do battle on the gridiron. "Game of the Century, 1993 II" we're calling it down here around Tallahassee. I noticed that one of AEO's virtual neighbors in STReport Online Magazine this week picked the Fighting Irish to triumph on the 13th. Hmmm. "Typical," I thought. In talking with Bob Brodie yesterday afternoon, I asked him, "Bob, Randy Noak of STR is picking Notre Dame, you know I'm solidly behind Florida State. Who do you think will win?" Bob said, "Well, with a week off to prepare, and with the game taking place under the Golden Dome in South Bend, I'll have to give the nod to Notre Dame." Atari's stock has taken off to new heights, there's Atari ads on television again, Bob Brodie sides with STReport over AEO. Someone DID forget to post a freeze warning notice for Hell! That cinches it. Saint Bowden will overcome. FSU by 10. National Champions in January. See ya! Join us in two weeks - the Jaguar's on its way! --==--==--==--==-- ||| Dateline: Atari! ||| Captured and Edited by: Lou Rocha / | \ Courtesy: GEnie ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= (C) 1993 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.Type XTX99437,GENIE and press [RETURN]. The system will prompt you for your information. ========================================================================== SPECIAL EDITION: DATELINE ATARI with Bob Brodie! The Jaguar Rollout! Nov. 4, 1993 Guest - Bob Brodie Host - Lou Rocha <[HoST] ST.LOU> This is the night we've been eagerly anticipating ... the official Jaguar rollout from New York City with a live report on the news conference held just two hours ago. As usual for our Dateline Atari RTC's, our special guest is the Director of Communications, Bob Brodie. Despite a very hectic and exciting day, Bob has chosen to give GEnie users the first accounts of this evening's news conference. Elsewhere in the Atari ST RoundTable there is growing excitement about the Jaguar, the host of new game developers and the unbelievable climb of Atari stock which hit a high of 12 1/8 today! Before we begin, a special welcome to all new participants in the Real Time Conference - and a friendly 'welcome back' to our growing number of regulars. This evening's conference may get quite busy at my end so please be patient and I will queue you for your questions and comments as soon as I can. Now, without further ado, heeeeeeeere's Bob! <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Thanks, Lou. We have a very brief account of the evening that we'd like to upload at this time, then we'll be happy to take any and all questions from the audience. I'd like to express how very excited Ron and I are to be here tonight on Atari's official online service: GEnie!!! The size of the group here tonight is just wonderful, and really helps to show the high level of interest in the Jaguar. With that, here comes our prepared remarks. <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Welcome one and all!! We have just returned from the jungle!! Atari has just rolled out the 64-bit home entertainment system to a standing room only audience on the 48th floor of the Time-Life Building in New York City. I am joined here tonight with my wife Jerri, Ron Kovacs and John Gagne of the Z*Net News Service. We are coming to you live from the Paramount Hotel on 46th St in Manhattan. We invited the cast from Les Miserables, but they were too busy to attend. :) They're just across the street. What we have witnessed tonight is a new era for Atari Corporation. The introduction and announcement of release of the Jaguar, a 64-Bit home entertainment machine. On hand at the press conference were Jack Tramiel, sons Sam, Leonard and Garry, myself, Bill Rehbock, James Grunke, Augie Ligouri, Terry Valeski, John Skruch, Susan McBride, Purple Hampton, and many other staff members from Sunnyvale. Major press agencies such as CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and local reporters from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, entertainment and Atari media were in attendance at the event. Heard from nearly ALL of the attendees were WOW and shouts of excitement from the presentation hosted by Sam Tramiel. Guests were greeted by three male and female jet black leather and vinyl costumed jaguar cats. Tropical foliage, flowering bamboo, moist fog, blue and green tinted pin spots and animal cries, deep from within the heart of the jungle. Inside the concept changed dramatically, encircling the entire event were Atari Jaguar and Lynx kiosks accented with blue neon rods, ice blue pin spots and more tropical foliage. Positioned in two corners of the room were wire cages with the jaguar-costumed dancers. Sam gave a presentation, accompanied by video displays of the Jaguar TV commercial, and sales videos for the retail stores. There was no expense spared to convey the messages to the attendees that Atari is serious about marketing the Jaguar. No less than 12 screens positioned throughout the room carried the video, as well as Jaguar game play. 10 Jaguar kiosks were stationed throughout the room, each showing a different video game title. John Skruch and other employees were also prowling the crowd with pre-production EPROM carts in hand, ready to show the visitors the future of Jaguar gaming. Atari announced the signing of a number of new developers for the Jaguar tonight, including Virgin, Interplay, Microprose, UBI Soft, Gremlins Graphics, Millenium, and Accolade. Accolade will bring Bobsy, Jack Nicklaus Gold, Al Michaels Announces Hard Ball, Brett Hull Hockey, and Charles Barkley Basketball to the Jaguar. Atari Games announced that they will be using the Jaguar as a board for their arcade games. There will be a few other developers that will be announced in a press release a little later on, as well as more details regarding the specific titles that they will be developing for the Jaguar. Tonight, it was also brought to my attention that there are reports circulating stating that we have stopped our computer business. I'm happy to state that this rumor is 100% FALSE! <[HoST] ST.LOU> YEA!!!!! <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Atari is not leaving the computer business, we are still producing the Atari Falcon030. Just a few weeks ago, James Grunke was here in New York for the Audio Engineering Society Show, where Cubase Audio for Falcon by Steinberg was released. We feel that the Falcon is just now starting to see applications tha take advantage of it's unique capabilities. With that, we're ready to take any questions about the event tonight, Lou, or anything else that our users might like to ask either Ron or I about. <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks Bob... They're lined up and ready. First we have Dave... <[Dave] D.SHORR> Congrats on the Jaguar, Bob! I did have a computer question but as I'm the first person at the mike, I'll change it;): will I be able to use my Atari SC1224 color monitor with the Jaguar? GA. <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Hi Dave, yes....you will be able to use youe SC1224 or your SC1435 with the Jaguar. In fact, we'll be using the SC1224 in the store interactive Kiosks that we're designing. It will require you to have the optional RGB cable to use the SC1224 with the Jaguar, though. It's a great picture. :) GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Next up we have Scott <[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Bob, could you give us an idea as to when Jaguars will be released nationwide? Also, is Atari going to put out a promotional videotape like the one put out by Panasonic for 3DO? It was really impressive. GA. <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> The Jaguar will be sold nationally next year. If you live in an area where the Jaguar is not presently being sold, but wish to purchase on, you can do so via our customer service department. I'll pass all of the information on purchasing a Jaguar to Atari Explorer Online so they can write it up for everyone. We showed the videos tonight at the launch event, and they were very well received. One of them is designed to be run as a commercial, "sandwiched" around another commercial. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> OK... Grahan Norton is next. GA <[Graham] G.NORTON> Bob can we expect the Jags in Canada Jan 1? Also do you have any cheap Atari stock to sell! :) GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> I'm honestly not sure what timeframe we're looking at for Canada, Graham :) Cheap stock? Not this week!! :) :) GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks Bob.... on to Nevin Shalit. <[NevMan] NEVIN-S> Thanks. I have two questions. First, is the Jaguar in production, or were you showing a prototype? Second, on a more personal note, how did it feel tonight after years of struggling in the computer market to get the press to pay attention to you, to have them all there in that room? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Yes, the Jaguar is in production...but we did show units from the pilot production run that was done first. Re your second question, it was very nice. Especially nice was to meet so many of the international press members that I have read about or corresponded with over the years. I met with Steve Young of CNN today and spoke with him before and after his filmed interview with Sam. (Boy does he hate Windows!) Paula Richards of ST Format was also on hand, and I really enjoyed getting to talk with her. All in all, a really exciting experience. I know that Ron enjoyed getting to meet the Tramiels. All of them, including Jack were very happy to meet one of thier longest, and best known supporters. When Sam was introduced to Ron, he spent quite a bit of his time letting Ron know how much he appreciated his many years of service to the Atari Community. I like him, too. :) Hope that covered it, Nevin. :) <[HoST] ST.LOU> Whew.... so many people in the queue... new experience :-) Thanks everyone for being patient. On to Ed Lin <[Ed] E.LIN1> How do the initial Jaguar games compare to the 3DO in terms of graphics? <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Ed, I have only seen Crash 'n Burn. It's a different sort of game than we have done so far. We've provided a number of screen shots that are available for downloading from the ST RT library via Atari Explorer Online Magazine. Rather than Ron and I giving you our opinion, why don't you download the Jaguar pics yourself and take a look at them? I'm sure that you'll be very impressed with them. Especially Crescent Galaxy! :) GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Sean Dougherty from Processor Direct, the newest Atari magazine, is next... <[Sean@TWP] P-DIRECT> Bob -- To change the topic a little, Atari may still be producing the Falcon030, but with perhaps only a few thousand units sold it is obvious something more needs to be done than make them. Does Atari have plans to sell the Falcon030 through less passive means? For instance, with the help of some enthused writers, the Falcon030 has gained the interest of several special interest magazines, and it seems this would be the perfect way to "sneak" into a market, and at very little expense... GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Sean, at this point we have no such plans. We're always interested in listening to proposals, though. I'd suggest that you contact Garry Tramiel if you have some suggestions about selling the Falcon030 via a unique means. :) GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks Sean. Rob Anisko is next <[Zombie] R.ANISKO> OK (hope the buffer works here...) Bob, with the Jaguar about to come out, and the Lynx available, is Atari planning on releasing the same games on both systems - it makes nice cross-over sales and advertising... (like Nint*ndo w/ the SNES and Gameboy)? GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> It worked! :-) <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Yes and no, Rob. :) There is no question that there is some terrific opportunities to do EXACTLY what you've described. However, on the other hand we know that the hand held market is nowhere as big as the home console market. Plus, the Jaguar makes possible things that cannot be done on ANY OTHER GAME MACHINE, including the Lynx. So it's only natural, IMHO, that developers will look to do something new and exciting to stretch the envelope with the Jaguar. We do envision there being some titles that will be made available for the Lynx as well though. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> We still have more than 20 in the queue... on to Dale Ellis.... <[Dale] D.ELLIS16> Congrats Bob, Ron, John, Jerri. Jerri was Bob really there or across the street at Les Miserables? ;-) Real Questions: Have you thought about selling any of the products via TV Shopping? Any TV shows about the Jag? Like Discovery or FutureWatch? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Jerri says he was really there...thanks for checking up on him. Now, on to the "real" questions, we are open to all of those opportunities, but first want to get back into the "regular" retail environment. We feel that it is important that consumers be able to go into a store and actually see, and try out a Jaguar to fully appreciate it. So we're very excited to be in stores like Toys 'R Us, The Wiz, Babbages, Electronic Boutique Kaybee Toys....and others. GA <[Gary] G.STOLLMAN> Bob, I am interested in programming for Atari as a developer. In your honest opinion, is this release the "do-it" thing that will put Atari back in the forefront of computers,and why is it taking so long for the Falcon to get software??? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Hi Gary. Yes, I think that the Jaguar is going to be a very big product for Atari. If you hae aspirations about developing for the Jaguar, I'm sure that Bill Rehbock would like to talk to you. Re the Falcon...I think there are several reasons that it's taking so long. #1 - Poor Sales. The economy in California where we do much of our business, is MISERABLE. And it's true not only for Atari, but other companies as well. One of the stock analysts that was at the event tonight told me that Apple is now sitting on a HUGE inventory of products. He said numbers that frankly, I had a hard time believing. So, the computer hardware business is just really tough right now. One of the other reasons it's taking so long is us: we've reduced our company in size to such a small level that it is really tough to be able to do everything that we would like to be able to do. For example, there was some staff at the event tonight from ST Informer. But I never had a chance to spend more than a few seconds with them at a time. I hate that, frankly. And think that once we've added some additional staff we'll be in a better position to do the things that we need to do to properly support ALL of our products. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks Bob. Please welcome Delroy Blake! <[delroy Blake] D.BLAKE> I have 3 questions for you. 1) What are the specs on the Jag? - overseas news travels slow 2) do you intend to market to the Army-Air Force Excange Stores? - lots of people with money to spend and 3) What ever happen to UNIX FOR THE TT, GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Good evening Delroy, thank you for attending our RTC tonight!!! Regarding your questions....WOW! :) I'll give you a quick run down on the specs, but I'd prefer that you check out the library here on GEnie in the ST RT for file AEO_SE1.ZIP That file has full set of press releases including block diagrams of the entire Jaguar system. The Jaguar is a full 64 bit system that has 5 microprocessors on three chips, including a 64 Bit RISC processor, a 32 Bit RISC processor, and a 68000. The bus is a full 64 bit bus. It is capable of 32 bit color, with over 16.7 million colors, and 16 bit stereo CD sound. BTW, I've just been informed by Travis Guy, Editor of AEO that the correct file name is AEO_SE_J.ZIP :) Thanks, Travis. The file will also have some Jaguar screen shots in it in GIF format. :) Re the Army/Air Force stuff....not right away, but maybe next year. At first we're doing a New York/San Francisco rollout of the Jaguar this year, then we'll finish our plans for the rest of the US later. Certainly, we want to find a way to provide the Jauguar to the Military. Lastly, re TT UNIX, we cancelled the project because we didn't feel that our version of UNIX was cost effective enough to be chosen by a broad base of people. We did feel that Atari UNIX could have been run as a text based UNIX on the Falcon, but we couldn't have close to being able to support it properly, so we cancelled it. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Bob, there are over 20 in the queue and they are being extremely patient with me as I try to keep up. :-) Our next speaker is Chris Oates... <[Chris] C.OATES2> Two questions: First, when might we see the first Jaguar TV ads? Second, about how many Jaguars have been manufactued to date? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Lou, in light of all the people in line, I think we should restrict everyone after Chris to just one question til we get through the queue. <[HoST] ST.LOU> ... or you could just answer ONE question :-) <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Chris, in the areas that the Jaguar is going to be sold (NY or San Francisco) you'll start to see teaser ads next week. The "real ads" will start shortly after that. Re how many Jags have been built, to be honest, I don't know. I'd need to check with our VP of Manufacturing....he's not here. It's an incredibly small hotel room. :) GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> OK... Sir Fransis is next <[Sir Fransis] K.DRAKE> What do you forsee being the first network use for the Jaguar (other than ComLynx) GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> I really don't know. :) I haven't had enough time to think about that yet. For the most part, we've been looking at the system as a game machine for the home to compete against Sega and Nintendo, not so much as a network machine. I do know that Sam is very keenly interested in interactive TV via cable. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Tony Wetmore is next Bob. <[Tony] WETMORE> Bob and everyone: Bravo! You've all done an incredible job! I have 2 questions, but they're related... (actually, I have more) 3) Will I be able to mail-order a Jag from Atari this month? 4) If not, when will retail stores in NY begin receiving Jags? (oops) <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Yes, and the week before Thanksgiving is when they are due in. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Chris Cassaday.... <[Chris] C.CASSADAY> Bob, can you comment about the possible Dallas distribution point? Will the Jaguar be sold at the Incredible Universe this fall? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> I've not been told officially that we're going to be there, but I hear tell that we are, Chris. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Sam Rapp! <[Sam030] SAM-RAPP> Hi Bob, Ron, (and others...) What are the possibilities for a modem for the Jag? Is there an RS-232 on the expansion port? Where is my T-shirt! ;-) GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Sam, Ron Kovacs is wearing your T-Shirt. He looks great in it. So does John Gagne. We're also going to bring out baseball caps. Black with a Jaguar logo, sort of like the T-Shirt. Yes, there is an RS-232 on the expansion port, and we envision using the DSP connection to be a modem. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks. I am sorry to say that I will have to cut off any more /raises. There are still 20 in the queue who will be allowed their questions. Dave Shorr is next <[Dave] D.SHORR> Has Atari considered offering a cooperative multitasking environment to its ST customers? Couldn't the multitasking AES and Desktop contained in the current version of MultiTOS be loaded without MiNT? GA. <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Dave, I'm just not techincal enough to discuss that with you. The best solution that I can see now is to use MultiTOS with Geneva from Gribnif Software. Sorry, GA. <[HoST] ST.LOU> Ron Hall is next, Bob <[GOT FALCON!] R.HALL49> More than 1 question but only requires small answers! :) I just yesterday got my base unit Falcon(yea!) when can I get an official hard drive upgrade kit? Will Atari be able to challenge CD-32 in Europe since they are producing 20,000 units a week now? Tantalize me with visions of a Lynx II with the Jaguar chipset!!! Final Question...Jaguar sales truly to be funneled to Falcon!!! (hope,hope,hope) LOVE my Falcon BTW...thanx GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Don't know about the HD kit, get a SCSI-II cable and go external for now. The drives are bigger and cheaper than the tiny IDEs. We will not challenge CD-32 in Europe...we will defeat them. Yes. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Kevin Houser... <[Kevin Houser] PG.MUSIC> Bob, any hope for a Falcon based dev system for the Jag &/or Lynx? Also, could I get a 'factory' direct Jag when I go to Charlotte this weekend. I'm interested in doing music related Jag titles. Does it have a Midi port? Kevin in Atlanta, PG Music Atari development... BTW, all PG Music stuff (new) is written on a Falcon030/14/120 Good European sales too. :) ... GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Hi Kevin. Yes, there is a TOS based dev system for the Jaguar now. I think it is quite logical to assume that it will be ported to the Falcon. Sorry, IBM is not selling the Jaguar Factory Direct at all. They build it, warehouse it, and ship it. That's all. No MIDI port, but wow! It can make terrific music!! GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Charles Smeton of NewSTar Tech.... <[NewSTar Tech] C.S.SMETON> Bob, where (what stores) and when can I tell my buddy in NYC to buy a Jaguar for me? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> The Wiz, Babbages, Toys 'R Us, Electronic Boutique, Kaybee Toys, that enough Charles? GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Here comes Travis Guy from Atari Explorer Online... the best source of Atari news! <[FSU #1!] AEO.MAG> Thanks Lou! Evening sirs! It sounds like everyone had a great time tonight. Bob, I think I can speak for every Atarian in saying it's good to finally have Atari back on track to the forefront - where we feel Atari belongs. Can you give us some specific reactions from some of the crowd at the event? Paul Harvey mentioned Atari and the Jaguar today in his radio show, and it was very positive. Go Atari! (And I want a Jaguar cap!) GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Evening, Travis! It's great to see you online tonight!! Ron sez Hi!! We at Atari are very grateful for the fine job that you and rest of the very fine staff at Atari Explorer Online do to support the entire Atari Community. If only all publications would follow your excellent example of how to do an online mag! (Well, I can dream, can't I?!?!?!) Today, USA Today ran a very nice article about Video Games, and featured a full color picture of the Jaguar on the LIFE Section of the paper. The San Jose Mercury News also ran a terrific article on the Jaguar. Many of the people that were at the event tonight were financial writers, or business writers. They to a large degree, were not exposed to the Jaguar games until tonight for the very first time. They thought that the games looked and sounded great, as well as the pricing on the Jaguar for real consumers, rather than the high prices that 3DO is charging for their player. Overall, it was a very exciting night. Many people came to see how serious Atari was about the Jaguar... they came skeptics and left believers! <[FSU #1!] AEO.MAG> Wonderful! <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Look for a Jaguar cover on an upcoming issue of Die Hard Game Fan, as well as 8 full color pages of coverage from Die Hard! GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> I missed John Battey about 5 back so I will let him into line here. Thanks to Scott for waiting a bit longer (and to everyone else still in the queue). <[J.Battey] J.BATTEY1> Was Ziff-Davis there tonight? (What, no coffee mugs!) GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> I'd have to look at the final attendance list to be sure. There is a list of people that did RSVP, but not all of them made it. Not sure about Ziff, sorry. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Scott Corley <[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Bob, why did Atari raise the list price of the Jaguar by $50? Also do you have any idea of the price that Jaguar games will sell for? Thanks. GA. <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> To cover the cost of the included game, which was a bit more than we had expected it to be. The price of the games will be in the 49-89 range, depending on the title, and the developer. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> OK.... On to Andy Smith. <[Andy] L.SMITH70> Bob... First, Congrats!! Second, I heard the following on the Internet... I heard the Jaguar has a 'startup' sequence consisting of the Atari Fuji, a digitized roar, and a rotating cube with a jaguar on each side. True? false? More info? :) Also glad to hear you got Virgin! GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Andy, TRUE! When the Jaguar is first turned on, the Red Jaguar logo comes on the screen, there is a digitized roar, and then a group of letters spelling out ATARI drop down from the top of the screen. Then there is a cube with digitized pics of a jaguar that rotates while a quick version of "Have you played Atari today?" is played. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Let's go on to Rod Martin.... Rod... GA <[Network 23] R.MARTIN22> Bob, is Atari still earmarking $3 million for the NY/SF release, and what is the $$$ for 1994 nationwide release? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Yes. We are earmarking that much for this year's release and we are finalizing next year's plans now. Part of the planning is dependent on who our retail partners are. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Bob, we have a newsflash from Gene Windell.... <[Gene] E.WINDELL> About 10 minutes ago, CNN Headline News described the Jag's technical features as part of a larger story about new computer graphics technology. Other than the Fuji logo, no pictures were shown. I'm sure they will play it again. <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks Gene. Rob Anisko just picked up USA Today and found the story on page 1D. Thanks Rob. On we go....... Mike Lipson <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Gene, who was the CNN correspondent? Was it Steve Young? <[Gene] E.WINDELL> Don't know. <[HoST] ST.LOU> GA Mike <[Mike Lipson] M.LIPSON> Hi Bob and Lou! Does the Atari/IBM contract allow IBM to license Jaguar technology for Big Blue's computers and is IBM interested in having Jaguar expansion boards? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> No, the contract does not allow IBM to use the Jaguar chipset for any of their products. We are having some discussions with them about other possible uses for the Jaguar chipset. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> OK... Frank Cuccia. Bob, did you let the cat out of the bag i.e. the BIG developer that was to surprise all of us? and is the TT030 still alive ? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Which BIG developer??? Accolade, Virgin, or Interplay? :-) <[HoST] ST.LOU> Pick one! <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> And yes! (The TT is still alive) GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Tim at AEO is next. <[Tim@AEO] AEO.8> On an earlier question about the Falcons, I happen to know that Tecnation and High End will be selling Falcons as used in Discos as lighting systems, with nifty video effects. anyway my question: When is the Jaguar to be sold in Europe? (BTW, that product is called Cyber V) <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Yes they are Tim, thanks for pointing that out for everyone. We will be selling some units in the holiday season this year in Europe. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks. Dave Freeland has been waiting a long time <[David] D.FREELAND> Are there any plans to advertise the Falcon030 at all? What can you tell us about new Falcon products such as DSP modem, etc... It seems the Jaguar should allow Atari to push the Falcon more than it has so far. Go Jaguar!!! GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Dave.... Plans to advertise the Falcon remain unchanged. We will advertise cooperativly in the markets where we have an advantage, such as music with partners like Steinberg, thank you! GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Lucky Seven left, Bob and Ron. Harj Nagra.... <[Harj] H.NAGRA1> What games will be available for the Jaguar this year? (...just saw the Atari Fuji on CNN about 10 minutes ago!!!) You should let Video Games magazine know that the Jag is truly 64-bit and not 32-bit as they state in their latest issue. GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Bob is near death! :-) Ron typing <[HoST] ST.LOU> Hehehehe... <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Hi Harj... Bob has already written a letter to Video Games and will mail it when he returns to Sunnyvale. Your right, they certainly made some mistakes! GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Jungle Jim! Bob, can you tell us specifically what the Atari vs. Sega suit is all about concerning the scrolling? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Jim Thornhill, other than the press release, I have no other information to share with you at this time. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Were you going to list 4 games? <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> CyberMorph, Crescent Galaxy, Raiden and Dynodudes. We expected Checkerd Flag to be ready but it's late! GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> OK.... James Vogh. <[James] J.VOGH> How large are the areas (NY and SF) where the Jaguar will be released. For example, will stores in Connecticut and possibly Massachusetts also have the Jaguar? GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> James: I believe for the retail chains we are talking metro NY and the San Fran bay area. Connecticut _MIGHT_ see a few Jags but I really doubt Mass will except for our current Atari, dealers. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Sandy from AEO Then Gregg from AEO <[--Sandy] AEO.9> My 1st RTC. Can you tell us anything about how you interact with Time Warner <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Sandy.. Welcome to your FIRST RTC here on GEnie. <[--Sandy] AEO.9> If not Love you all anyway GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> We have an arrangement with Time-Life to have access to their vast library of film and sound clips to be used with Jaguar titles. Other than that, they own about 23% of Atari. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Gregg... from Computer STudio? <[Gregg] AEO.7> Well, yes as a matter of fact . I'm impressed, I wish I could have been up there in NY for the show.... However, while we're all hoping to see the Jag become THE dominate factor in the game industry, I'm more Atari computer oriented and have to ask if you've any idea how long it will be before we can expect to see the Jag's fantastic graphics and audio made available in a TOS-based Atari computer and/or on a VME card for the TT/MegaSTe line? Thanks, and keep up the great work. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks Gregg. <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Gregg, Nice to hear from you. At this point in time, it's nearly impossible to project when that might happen. For one thing... some of the developer tools for the Jaguar are still maturing. Also, doing such an enterprise would require the addition of even more staff to assure that it could be done properly. Let us get the Jaguar properly launched, supported, and in the market place and we'll see that we can do on the computer side. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> But we can sure hope for the future. Right, Gregg? :-) Next we have Sir Fransis... <[Sir Fransis] K.DRAKE> How many sounds can the Jag generate simultaneously (3DO=8)? Where is the ComLynx port? Any CD titles in development (7th Guest)? Thanks 4 coming! GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> The ComLynx port is incorporated in the expansion port at the rear of the machine. GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> Final question comes from Tony Wetmore. A couple real quickies (I hope): Will the "accessory" cables and such (S-Video, etc) be available at launch (ie. 2 weeks or so)? Also, can we expect/hope for any Atari coin-op translations next year? Such as: Hard/Race Drivin', Steel Talons, etc? And, again - thanks(!!) for coming online and staying so long! <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Yes, there will be conversions of coin op games, although not all of them will be Atari Games products. For instance, Virtual Racing is one of the games that we are looking at as a model for what will be done with at least one of the racing games that we're working on. Re the cables, not 100% sure on that, although they should be along quite soon. :) GA <[HoST] ST.LOU> A record breaking night for Atari and Dateline Atari! Record length, record number of questions, record number of attendees. What can I say? Congratulations to Bob and his guest (and friend) Ron Kovacs for their service above and beyond. GA <[Bob & Ron] BOB-BRODIE> Lou, THANKS! It has been a really long day for us here in New York. I'm very grateful to our official online service, GEnie, and to our friends that staff the Atari RT's for allowing us to share this very special evening for a Dateline Atari Conference. While we normally do this on a Friday night, I will be up in the air, on my way home to California when the conference will normally be running. Thanks to GEnie for allowing us some slack in scheduling this time. :) I'm also grateful that my very good friend Ron Kovacs could be here to share his impressions of the Jaguar launch event, as well as help with the typing tonight. A rare privilege for me to hand over the keyboard and just give my answers without having to type all night long!! :) Thank you all for coming. We had a very enjoyable evening. And we look forward to our next session of Dateline Atari with you next month, here on the official Atari online resource: GEnie. I hope that you all enjoy the rest of the evening, and the beginning of the holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Good night! <[HoST] ST.LOU> You are most welcome, Bob. The pleasure truly is ours. Folks, look for this transcript in AEO or in library 13 on Saturday morning. Thanks to everyone for coming and have a safe drive home :-) ********************************************************************* Watch the Club Door Banner on Page 475 for the upcoming RTC with Cybercube Research to celebrate their North American release of InShape - a very power graphics/rendering program. You could win a free copy of InShape - a 359.00 value! --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- GEnie Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- 1. Set your communications software for half duplex (local echo) -- -- at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud. -- -- -- -- 2. Dial toll free: 1-800-638-8369 (or in Canada, 1-800-387-8330). -- -- Upon connection, enter HHH. -- -- -- -- 3. At the U# prompt, enter XTX99436,GENIE then press . -- -- -- -- 4. Have a major credit card ready. In the U.S., you may also use -- -- your checking account number. -- -- -- -- For more information in the United States or Canada, call 1-800- -- -- 638-9636 or write: GEnie, c/o GE Information Services, P.O. Box -- -- 6403, Rockville, MD 20850-1785. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Atari's Official On-line Resource! --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Atari Artist ||| By: Peter Donoso & Fadi Hayek / | \ GEnie: EXPLORER.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ ATARI ARTIST ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Jaguar stalks the media corridors of New York! Join us at the video campfire as we regale you with "Tales Of The Jaguar" and fill you in on the details surrounding Atari's official unveiling of it's awesome new 64-bit RISC game system that's light-years ahead of the competition! Despite what seems to be a flurry of activity, everything seems to be winging its way to us... but not quite here. Sequencer One Plus, and Breakthrough, two quality products from Europe being distributed here by Oregon Research should be in our hands in time to do a mini-review for this column, and E-Magic has some exciting new stuff coming out, but there again... they're in the mail. What we do have, in addition to the latest Jaguar news, is an intresting bit of info on flat screen video technology; news updates concerning some preliminaries on some other Oregon Research products, Clarity Falcon and Video Master Falcon; the latest from Wizztronics on their Falcon rack-mountable cases and the final revised specs on their video capture unit; word on the latest update and new distributor for a popular universal librarian program, X-OR; more info on Cubase Audio for the Falcon. And away we go... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = = - - -=-=-=- [ JAGUAR NEWS ] -=-=-=- - - = = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Tails Of The Jaguar: //// The Awakening =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Atari heralded the launching of their Jaguar 64bit RISC gmae system this past Thursday evening, November 4th, at the Time/Life building on West 50th Street in the heart of New York City. Over three hundred people who were in attendence had to followed the trail of cats' paws that lined the walls on the 44th floor and patiently filed in shifts into a private elevator awaiting them at trail's end. The cab's panel of floor numbered buttons had a black and yellow "64bit" sticker covering one of the selections, a deliberate reference to Atari's pivotal processing edge in the upcoming next generation games war and a clear indication of which floor button would take you to the party. The elevator doors opened on the 48th floor to the Hemisphere Club, a large room done up in distincitve jungle-related decorations and subdued lighting. Models in cat costumes and masks slinked, slithered, curled and stretched both on the floor and around the room. A number of cages were also set up with dancers who performed their own seductively undulating floor show as guests milled about the huge buffet and then wandered over to one of 16 kiosks, each of which had a Jaguar unit and monitor featuring one of the hot new games developed especially to show off the Jaguar's amazing capabilities. These were augmented by a bank of 6 large monitor screens linked together on a center stage, each showing scenes from individual games. Four big screen 32" sets were positioned throughout the main room, also synced and playing scenes from Jaguar games. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// The Hunters Seek Their Quarry =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Among the attendees were a number of buyers from such major and prestigous retail stores as Toys 'R Us and FAO Schwartz. Major corporate players such as IBM, Phillips, Motorola and Time/Warner also had representatives present, and media coverage included People magazine and New Media, while game publications included The Source and Game Pro. The entire Tramiel family, including Jack, Sam, Garry and Leonard and their wives and children were there, as were Atari's Richard Miller, Bob Brodie, James Grunke and Bill Rebock. Everyone wore black name tags with yellow cats eyes higlighting their names in red. Sam Tramiel addressed the attentive crowd on the dawning of a revoltionary new era in networked cable computer-based multi-media tele-communications and of Atari's committment to be at the forefront of a next generation game explosion, one that would bring a level of graphic-powered realism to veritable life on million's of TVs across the country and around the globe. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Master Of The Hunt =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A number of TV ad spots were shown, including the two 30-second teaser spots, which are apparently designed to be played before and after a newtork's choice of some other, unrelated thirty second spot. The first part starts out with a professor-ish sort of Monty Python-like character (a Guardian of Public Morality-type) telling viewers to hide the kids, and stay tuned to hear more about an exciting new games system unlike anything they've ever seen. There's a screen behind him which is playing fast clips of different games, and in the second half you can see more of these (one of them looks like graphics right out of Babylon 5). Halfway through his spiel, delivered in somewhat of a semi-mumbling but understandable manner, an animated jaguar leaps from the screen behind him, swallows him and the jaguar burps as he props one paw under his chin and gazes out at the viewer with a very cat-like grin. This is followed by a black screen with yellow eyes and a claw that rips down the left side of the screen as the words Jaguar and 64bit are prominently displayed on the right. The screen then is shredded to reveal a shot of the actual Jaguar unit and CD ROM player, follwed by the words "Atari". Another 60-second spot has a bunch of kids gathered around a TV set, with the level of conversation on the, "I love this game machine, it's soooo cool!" level, with computer generated effects of them at wild angles interspersed with shots of the TV screen and the action game they're playing. Comparisons with Sega Genesis and Nintendo game systems are made in the commercial, showing up the superior technology of the Jaguar to these competing systems. Although no reference is made in either commercial to that other, so-called "revolutionary" new 32-bit game system, Atari definately takes on 3DO with a vengence in their press releases and promotional brochures, prominently displaying detailed comparison charts between the two throughout. Future commercials are already in the works at Atari - not much in the area of plotlines has been revealed, but their soundtracks will feature songs from the likes of Prince and the Scorpions. One new ad may be dedicated to the theme of "I know what boys want." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Those Who Have Heard The Call =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The names of a number of new game companies who had signed on as Jaguar developers were also revelaed. Major players included Activision, Virgin, Ocean, Interplay. Two Jaguar peripherals were also announced. These cartridges, named MPEG 1 & 2, would allow CD full-motion video to be played on the Jaguar system. The MPEG 1 cart provides users with the added capability to connect their units to cable phone networks and be able to play games in real time with friends around the corner, in the next town, or across the world. Atari expects to release the CD ROM unit somewhere around the first quarter of '94, and a host of new cartridge and CD ROM games are expected throughout '94. Attendeees got a look at a number of these, but the two that seemed to get the most oohs and aahs were Trevor McFur & The Crescent Galaxy, a Defender-like game whose graphics and animations used rendered vector drawings to show asteroids flying at you and big monsters appearing with an in-your-face kind of startling real effect, and Alien Versus Predator. AvP features polygonal, algorythmic-driven full motion chase scenes that have the Alien chasing you as you're looking back and both of you are moving at amazing speeds down corridors, zigzagging, changing surfaces and heading down various side branches. From what we can gather about this game, it's going to be a system seller. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// And The Night Is Alive With a Thousand Sighs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kudos are in definately in order to Atari and Cunningham Communications for pulling off what everyone seemed to think was a great start on the launching of a very impressive product. Special thanks to Brian Gockley and to my editor, Travis Guy for some of the information in this article. Stay tuned to Atari Explorer Online for continuing Jaguar coverage throught the campaign. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = = - - -=-=-=- [ VIDEO NEWS ] -=-=-=- - - = = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Hang, Plug and Play =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What's been happening on the video front? Not a hell of a lot. It's all quiet on the western front, Atari-wise, although there's been some interesting developements concerning technological advances on flat High Defination television screens. Those AT&T football field-size screen will eventually occupy that large empty space in your den/family room - you know, the one that presently has the oaktag sign that reads, "reserved for the future when it gets here" - but it's still more than a few years away. What's bringing on-the-wall, pictureframe-deep TV to a practically round-the-corner timeframe (translation - five to seven years down the road)? Seems like the techniques that originally heralded the birth of synthetic diamonds have been turned towards meeting the practical demands that will make flat TV not only feasable, but more importantly, affordable. An emultion that, in part, contains the same synthetic diamond elements holds great promise for being able to display a video picture comparable to broadcast quality. The big problem so far has been finding another medium which can even match (surpass comes later) the capabilities of the old familiar cathode display when the envelope is pushed past the present 10-12" LCD active matrix display limitation that has become so popular with the latest color notebooks. This synthetic diamond-based emultion has the potential to literally create hundreds (thousands for bigger picture screens) of receptors, each of which will be able to function the equivalent of the standard pixel. The fact that considerably more will be able to fit in the same amount of space is an exciting bonus. The dichotomy of the present inherent differential limitations fostered by this diamond medium is expected to ironically end up compensating for some super high-definition capabilities for these receptors, so that by the time they reach the naked eye the final result will be fairly close to the soon-to be released HD technology. (Whew.) Although scientists are claiming there's still a number of major hurdles to overcome, they've nevertheless expressed great enthusiasim at persuing further research into developing the true potential for this sophisticated future medium. I can just here Tom Selleck now. "Remember when I told you, 'You will.'? Well, I hate to be an I-told-you-so, but...." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Now, Even More Impoved! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Latest update from Wizztronics on their video capture board. On-board RAM has been upped to a whopping 12 megs and the 32K cache has been increased to 128K. These two improvements will provide an ample buffer to allow full screen resolution redraw at true 30 frames per second with no compression required. This also means that any image captured will appear quite crisp with crystal sharp detail. A feature of the accompanying software being developed will allow the additional option of being able to scan and display up to four video image clips simultaneously on screen and save them as a group at 640 x 480 true color resolution. There will also be a 50-pin interface expansion bus for built-in expandability to attach to the VES2000/3000 full video editing system (target date 2nd quarter of '94). For the time being, the PC emulation option has been put on hold until the the video capture board has achieved full commercial release. The amount of software / hardware R&D is more than the Wizz can handle right now, what with the capture unit and their Falcon rack-mountable cases under way towards actual production. The cases will use approximately 3 to 4 rackspaces in height (translation - between 4.25" and 6") and have a seperate sleek black face plate which will attach to the front of the unit, with access to the disk drive and a display activity light, Seperate keyboards will be available in the standard Falcon grey or possibly TT-colored cream (final color to be determined) and Wizztronics will also have matching Toshiba 1 gig rack-mountable cased drives available as well, all at a very good price. The response to this product has been extemely positive. With 99% of interested customers being Falcon owners however, it's not quite certain that Mega ST owners (certainly those with Sound Tools units) or 1040ST/Ste owners will also be able to take advantage of this conversion kit. The possibility is still open, but may involve an extra charge due to the specific templating of the case backplate to accomodate the Falcon's port configuration. Contact Wizztronics, P.O. Box 122; Port Jeferson, NY 11776; (516) 473-2507 for details. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Now Available On Your Computer Movie Screen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Oregon Research has announced the release of VideoMaster Falcon. The package consists of a powerful video digitizing cartridge, complete with software which will allow full screen video stills AND quarter screen video movies with full 16-bit stereo sound! Video input can be from any composite video source, while sound may be recorded from any line-level source using the supplied Source-to- Falcon audio cable. Color stills can be digitized from a video camera using provided red, green and blue filters, and true color images of either 320 x200 or 600x400 (in 32,768 colors) can be obtained on a ST-styled monitor, or 320x240 true color and 640x480 256 color on a VGA monitor. Real-time grab rates can be up to 30 frames-per-second in 64 grey levels, along with a sound track using the Falcon's own internal audio hardware. Video and audio can be edited seperately, and the video editor will allow pictures to be imported in to any frame within the video. Full screen, low resolution 256 color pictures can be imported to produce full color or mixed palette movies. A powerful but easy-to-use audio/video sequencer allows up to 24 sections of video to be assigned to keys with a sound track, and also offers control features such as frame rate, audio looping, also assignable as status functions along with the start and end of audio to the keys. Sequences are built up either by recording the sequence in real-time from the computer keyboard, or in slow time from the sequencer screen. A separate sequence player is provided to allow the user to play their stand-alone movies It's also possible to create auto-boot demos from floppy disk. As an extra bonus, Highsoft's Truepaint Falcon paint program and editor is also included. Oregon Research also has Video Master, which can be used with any 1040ST/STe, MegaST/STe or TT030, and, although not as powerful as the Falcon030 version, offers a number of similar features. For details and pricing, contact: Oregon Research Associates; 16200 SW Pacific Hwy, Suite #162; Tigard, OR 97224. (503) 620-4919. Fax (503) 624-2940. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = = - - -=-=-=- [ MUSIC NEWS ] -=-=-=- - - = = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// The Ultimate Falcon Digital Audio //// Production Suite Has Arrived! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Steinberg officially released Cubase Audio for the Falcon at the recent AES (Audio Engineers Society) show held in New York city this past Oct 14 to 16. Atari's James Grunke was on hand to field questions from excited onlookers as Steineberg/Jones rep Ray Williams put the program through its paces. The program is, in a word, amazing! Steinberg really pulled out all the stops and apparently had a field day taking advantage of all the features of Atari's incredible Falcon 030. On the digital audio end, the program offers 3 types of recording - direct to hard drive with continous, simultaneous record/playback capabilities; RAM-based playback of audio which has been fed directly into RAM exactly like sampling (this expands your number of digital audio sources for playback); a second sampler-based RAM playback option with real-time trigger performance playback that allows you to assign samples to a specific MIDI note. There are 8 channels of equilization with 3-band EQ and independent cue control. A reverb auxilary feature gives you send/return capabilities for each track, with early reflection, time decay, and cut-off filter assignable to all 8 channels. In addition, there's also chorus effects with frequency and feedback sweeps. These features allow for unprecedented control of the Falcon's powerful DSP chip digital FX features. A permanent mix-down feature allows you to take all 8 tracks and condence them down to 2 stereo tracks. Use this to bounce your 8 tracks down to two, writing them to a totally different track for complete, non-destrucitve mix-down, leaving you with six open tracks to bounce down to another two tracks, etc. This gives you the potential for an actual grand total of 20 digital tracks with full automation for mixdown on all tracks, both digital audio as well as (256) MIDI tracks! In addition Cubase Audio offers the ability to stretch and compress an audio file without changing the pitch of the piece! This is the first featured release that lets a user take advanatge of the powerful processing capabilities of the Motorola DSP5601 chip. Processing speed is considerably faster over the Macintosh equivalent Time Bandit feature for the Mac's version of Cubase Audio, which requires a sound accelator card (Digidesign's ProTools, Soundtools II, Audio Media II). Included tools for this feature of Falcon Cubase Audio allow this aspect of time processing to be driven by either SMPTE, MIDI tempo or directly changed by the number of samples! Last but not least, you can synchronize directly to SMPTE via the use of Steinberg's stand-alone SMPII SMPTE-to-MIDI interface, which also has 4 MIDI ins, 4 MIDI outs and a large LED SMPTE display window. This unit is a big improvement over Steinberg's Cubase-related Midex Plus, letting you now access the Falcon's internal clock directly through the Falcon's parallel port. Wow!!! Steinberg / Jones; 17700 Raymer Street, Suite 1001; Northbridge, CA 91325. (818) 993-4161. There's a Falcon hardware modification that Steinberg says Atari also highly recommends. It involves the removal of a couple of resistors and capacitors which will: defeat Atari's factory-set bass boost (a definate improvement to the over-all sound quality), reduce the speaker amplifier gain, and also reduce the input gain by 6db. This last improvement reconfigures the Falcon's input level to industry-standard -10dbv. Although these adjustments will void Atari's warranty, the results in improved audio response to the average listener are quite impressive. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Powerful Digital Audio Stereo Editing Package =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Oregon Research has also announced the soon-to-re-released Clarity Falcon direct-to-disk digital audio recording package which will includes a line-level-to-Falcon audio input lead for connection of external CD players and other sound sources, for true, professional quality 16-bit recording. The package consists of both software and hardware. The hardware portion consists of a unit which plugs into the Falcon's DSP port, allowing direct access to the DSP 56001 and provides capabilities for recording at both 44.1 and 48kHz sampling rate. In addition it also provides additional clock speeds, which allows you to sync to alternate mediums, such as CDs and DAT. The software consists of a suite of programs: Memory Based editor, Hard Disk based editor, MIDIPlay and Drumbeat. Loaded samples/sound files for Memory and Hard Disk based editors initially appear as icons in a GEM based editing environment, and clicking on an icon opens a window to display the sample's waveform. You can perform "free-flow" editing between multiple sample/sound file windows, and Tools include cut, copy, paste, insert, delete, overlay, fade in/out, cross fade, analyze and filter. The MIDIPlay program provides multi-timbral voice output under the control of an external MIDI keybaord or sequencer, with capabilties for mapping up to 128 different samples across a 9-octave keyboard range. pitch shift control is automatic, but samples may be further tuned or transposed as required. Drumbeat is a sampling sequencing system with full internal or external MIDI sample control. Whole songs are constructed using rhythmn patterns to build the structure. Clarity Falcon is set to be released this the late fourth quarter of '93. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// New Home & Update For Universal Editor/Librarian =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= X-Or, the powerful universal editor/librarian developed by the original programmer of the popular Caged Artist individual synth editor series, has moved from the stable of impressive ST-related music programs handled by Dr. T over to Mark Of The Unicorn. X-Or 2 is being announced as a major upgrade, adding a number of new features in addition to over 20 new instrument profiles. The biggest addition is multi-port support for Phantom as well as Export (with or without Softlink ) and Unitor (needs Softlink). Anything X-Or now does can be recorded in Notator. Window displays have been improved and scrolling speed has been increased, cursor keys can now be used to navigate Bank libraries and Performance windows. An added windows menu lets you switch between all open windows, and every menu item across the board now has an equivalent key command. A MIDI monitor window, which shows MIDI send/receive info, as well as the data for the current patch or internal Data Bank. Pop-up sliders are now used to edit parameters in the Instrument and SetUp windows. New profiles include the Kurtzwiel K-2000, Roland JV-80/880 and MKS-50, Emu's Vintage Keys, as well as Mackie OTTO Mix and Sony DPS-D7 and R7 efects processors. Upgrade is $129.95 plus shipping to registered owners of earlier versions of the program. Contact: Mark Of The Unicorn 1280 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138; (617) 576-2760. Well, that's it for this edition. Next time we'll take a look at the new E-magic products that are about to be released and have a first look at Sequencer One Plus and Breakout, European music imports distributed here by Oregon Research. Until next time, this is Pete Donoso & Fadi Hayek reminding you that... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = = - - [ "Today is the Tomorrow you dreamed about Yesterday." ] - - = = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --==--==--==--==-- ||| I played a 3DO (and lived to tell of the Jaguar's Doom) ||| By: Timothy Wilson / | \ Internet: wilsont@rahul.net GEnie: AEO.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// 3DO, Competition for the Jaguar? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ah the much vaunted 3DO is finally here, made by Panasonic, and called the 'R.E.A.L' Multiplayer. REALly expensive is what I can say first off. I tried the R.E.A.L. at a local "The Good Guys" store, where it had a price tag of $699.99. Having known people on the internet that rushed out to buy one sight unseen, I suppose the high price tag won't stop everyone. So lets get on to the machine itself. The pack-in game, Crash & Burn was already in the drive. So, I pressed the button on the controller (A square, much like the square that you see to stop VCR's and CD's, is the symbol for the start/stop/restart key), the game reset, and displayed a interesting animation of CD's floating through what looks like the rings of Saturn. (Lots of rocks and debris orbiting a planet.) It turns out, this is the Crystal Dynamics title sequence. From there you can watch a short demo of "Total Eclipse" or play Crash &Bburn. I watched the Total Eclipse demo first. By the look of the demo, yet another "rails" game. By that I mean that the ship you control flies forever forward, turning around isn't an option. The demo is just a animation spooled off the disk, but is still impressive. I watched the whole thing, and then started Crash & Burn. Crash & Burn starts with a nuclear blast and a city getting thrashed by the shockwave and firestorm. There is then a pan across a futuristic complex, that ends on a race track. Then, there is a shot from behind a driver (the same as from the CBS This Morning clip), followed by the two cars coming around the corner, with the leader skidding sideways and exploding. (with a little help from the pursuing car :) Again, this is the same clip everyone saw on the CBS This Morning segment. I then got to choose a driver, each of them is accompanied by a "rant," in which the driver (a small video clip and voice), explains his or her philosophy/strength, or whatnot. This was done ok, the actors must have been amateurs, the accents were poor, but, who cares, this is a video game, not the Oscars¿. I choose the first big n' burly guy with the big gun. I selected the "rally" mode first, which lets you try out 1 of 4 tracks (I don't know if more tracks are availible). I selected the first track. As usual for racing games, you are placed in the very rear of the starting lineup. Not a bad position, since your car is equipped with forward mounted guns. Rally mode also gives you full ammo loads (for weapons that use ammo). Availible were a light cannon, laser, mines, and a missile launcher. About now I got aquainted with the controller, its a hybrid of a Sega controller and a SNES pad, three thumb buttons a "cross" joypad, and two "shift" buttons workable with your index fingers. To move, you hold down the "C" button, that's full throttle, and there really isn't any reason to go any other speed but full speed. The first thing I noticed was the noise the car engine made sounded horrible. Kinda like my electric razor, ugh. I noticed that I was outside of my car, looking down on it and the road ahead. The car only pivots left and right a few degrees, it does not appear to be a 3D object. When you take heavy damage, this view will show smoke and fire spewing out of your car. I switched to the "driver" view, the HUD and instruments are availbile here, so I continued playing from here. As I raced around the track, there was ice ( maybe water?) for a long strip, more pavement, and then a dirt section. The road twists and turns convincingly, as well as up hills and through tunnels. You can see other portions of the track in the distance, it gives a good sense of "big". Just to try it, I stopped. I then noticed the nasty pixelation from the texture mapping. It's hard to see when you are barrelling down the track - except when climbing a hill, the view points up toward the sky, and the clouds also exhibit this effect. I also listened to the music, I don't know if the music changes, but it was the same tune through the whole track that I played. It lasted for about 5 minutes before repeating. The music was good, not SNES tinny crap. Since the 3DO owners on rec.games.video.misc said to try the game in tournament mode, I exited the rally and started a tournament. I started on the first track, (the one I just tried on rally) and there is now a "track champion". That's one of the other driver/characters that is the one to beat. I placed second, and still made it to the next level though. I really got to playing it then, no longer scrutinizing the graphics. but trying to see if the gameplay was there under all the flash. In tourney mode, I started with 30 cannon shots and a laser, my missiles and mines were empty. After I finished the race, you have the option of buying new equipment and ammo, provided you have the money. I decided to pick a car and start blasting. A green triangle moves on the screen, and turns red when it "locks on" to a target. After about 30 seconds of using the cannon and the laser, the car exploded. But not skid-left-into-a-barrier-and-fly-apart-in-a-grand-explosion explosion, but a simple flame burst, and the other car simply "dimmed" - the colors were darker - and it stopped moving. Since I was still moving, I rammed into it. The dead car was knocked to the 'side-lines', while I roared(whined is more like it) past. I didn't even know that I had killed it, (expecting a huge shrapnel spewing explosion), until the final results for the race were posted. 3 other cars had, somewhat unknowst to me, been killed. After the race, I got to buy weapons and equipment. Each item had a little video clip associated with it. Guns fired, new items rotated, etc. all prerendered and spooled off the CD. "Eh," was the final verdict for C&B. It might be worth 20-30 bucks, and it sure didn't make me want to buy a 3DO machine on the spot. The next thing I tried was the 3DO sampler disk, I was amazed at the presentation. It was a very well put together demo. There wasn't just simple text for a menu, there was a 3D room to walk around in. It had a bare woodfloor with some pictures on the wall, by walking up to the pictures, they would animate, and I could then preview upcoming titles. All of the ones I viewed were stills, no running demos or animations. I didn't have the time to sample all of the areas, so I went to another part of the demo disk, the "Diversions." Diversions is a collection of neat things to do. The most impressive was 5 minutes of "Heart Of Ice", A clip from the Batman animated series. This had full screen video, and decent audio. Up close, you can see some of the pixelation, but stand back at a normal viewing distance, it looks fine. The CD was constantly on during the demo (natch). Rumor (and Usenet) has it that it used CinePak (which Atari also has licensed). Also, cartoons are easy to compress, do to there large areas of static color. Thats just my first look at it, I spent about and and hour and thirty minutes playing with it. I hope to have similar time on a Jaguar soon. Some other tidbits about the 3DO that I've picked up. The box claims 640x480 screen resolution. Well, the 3DO uses special built-in hardware to interpolate up to that resolution from 320x240... which is the "true" resolution of the 3DO. The AT&T unit will be a rebadged Panasonic-built OEM unit with a modem. Also, even though now the 3DO is seemingly a games machine, I don't think thats where they want to go with it. The point being, it's a $700 box, aimed at a CD general use market. The Jaguar, definately a games machine is $250. They are two different markets, much like a Ferrari 348ts, and a Nissan 300ZX Turbo. Both can be great fun, go fast and look good, but are aimed at different markets. They have different engines, but produce about the same power. Just one is $100,000 cheaper than the other. :) Will that stop the mud slinging? Nope. But I tried. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Other gaming news =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ù Jay Wilbur of Id software recently posted to r.g.v.m that Id and Atari both want to create "Doom" for the Jaguar. Jay notes that nothing is signed, but it looks like it could happen. The SNES version of Doom is no longer planned, but the Wolfenstein port is still going. "Doom," is a succesor to Wolfenstein 3D, and is one of the hottest titles around. In Doom, you control a space marine with plenty of weapons, in a struggle for survival as your base is suddenly infested with strange demonic beings. Computer Gaming World calls them "Satan's Soul Stewards". Doom features texture mapped walls, floors and ceilings. Walls are no longer alwasy solid, and not fixed to 90 degree angles. Neater still is that you are no longer limited to a constant height. In Doom, you can look out across a wide room from a ledge far above and see what's below. The current MS-DOS version of Doom will be networkable, something that could really take off on the Jaguar! Hold onto your whatever you hold onto - this could get hot. ù The Jaguar controller may look big, but *really*...it is easy to hold. I have one in my grubby mitts right now. My left thumb has access to Pause, 7, and 4. My right thumb can hit A,B,C, 9, and with a little stretch, Option and 6. They are not made out of lead, and aren't heavy at all. ù The green holographic head in Cybermorph is named Skylar. ù To the people wondering about who does what in the Jaguar: Rob Nicholson (hms@cix.compulink.co.uk) a Jaguar developer (Hand Made Software) has this to say about the Jaguar: "...there is no primary processor in the Jaguar. It's up to *ME* which I decide to use depending upon the task. Such is the flexibility of the system." ù A Jaguar commercial was spotted in NY, during Batman:TAS on Friday the 6th. I hope to see them here in the SF bay as well. I'll keep you all updated. --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To sign up for CompuServe service, call (voice call) (800) 848-8199. -- -- Ask for operator #198. You will be sent a $15.00 value CIS membership -- -- kit for free. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| EdHak v3.02 - The Super Editor from Clear Thinking ||| Review by: Albert Dayes / | \ CIS: 70007,3615 GEnie: AEO.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Program author: Craig Harvey This program/desk accessory called EdHak is an amazing product that just keeps getting better and better. First and foremost the program is a standard text and binary file editor, in a movable and resizable GEM window. Unlike other editors the size of RAM is not a factor when editing files. A binary or text file may be of any size, and can still be edited regardless of the amount of RAM available. The second is the Hacker layer. The defintion of a Hacker is, a person who enjoys learning the details of programming systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. With this lethal combination of EDitor and HAcKer one has a very powerful tool called EdHak. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// The Program Layers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beyond the realm of file editing are other layers to be explored in one's computer. These layers include RAM, ROM, disk and telecommunications. In telecommunications one can use EdHak as the standard editor with certain telecom programs. These programs include STALKER 3.x by Gribnif software and Jim Ness's QuickCIS (A Compuserve navigational program). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// The Editor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The editor lies within a standard GEM window. In the title and info lines of the window are the following: a) A menu bar (for accessing EdHak options with a mouse). b) The name of the file currently being edited. c) Current line (row) the cursor is on. d) Current column the cursor is on. For almost every menu option there is a key equivalent. By pressing the help key, one is given a short list of most of the key equivalents and what operations they perform. The editor itself has two basic modes of operation and two modifiers. The modes include normal and hack mode. The modifiers include character or hexadecimal. The hack mode is different from the normal mode because it displays some unprintable characters (e.g., Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF)). Another thing that hack mode shows is the hexadecimal value of the character under the cursor. The modifiers affect the way the contents of the buffer, are viewed. With the character modifier each character is displayed as it ASCII or extended ASCII value. With the hexadecimal modifier, each character is shown as its hex value (which is defined by two digits which have a value of 0-15 (0-9, A-F). And where the combined value of the two digits is equal to 255 (decimal) or FF (hex)). Most operations can be performed by either the mouse or keyboard including block operations. Most editors can only select complete or partial lines but EdHak can do better. One can select a rectangular block anywhere in the buffer. For example, one can just select everything between lines ten and fifteen, and only include columns two and three. Special operations can also be performed on the first column, of a block. One can add a space, quote ( ">", which is useful for BBS users) or delete, the first column. Since the file being edited can be of any size, it is easier with this version of EdHak. In earlier versions an alert box came up everytime one was accessing the next part of the file. The reason being the contents of the buffer were cleared to edit the next section. This has been eliminated and makes it much easier to work with large files. When I say a file this can also be applied to RAM/ROM and disk sectors as well. Also most operations can be reversed by pressing the UNDO key. Other special features include: a) Insert the Current Date (at the current cursor position). b) Insert Bytes (at the current cursor position). c) De/Encryption of the file/buffer using a single or multiple password keys . d) Text Macros using the Function keys (now allow for NULL byte). e) Up to 65,000 columns for large data files. f) Use of any of the 3 system font sizes in most resolutions. g) Save/load a block to the clipboard or paste buffer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Search Options =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The search (or search and replace) options include text, decimal or hexadecimal values. Any character in the Atari character set can be used for text functions. For binary files/data one can use the hexadecimal or decimal options. When it comes to editing/viewing RAM/ROM one can use the very same options to search for a string in memory. Once the string is found that block of memory will be loaded into the buffer. Or one can type in the memory address and read the contents into the buffer. The process can be reversed so editing ram can be written back into memory. This can be dangerous, so be careful when you use this option. This also applies to physical sectors on the disk as well. One just opens a file but leaves the file name blank, to start the process. These sectors are read from the current partition (logical drive letter (i.e., A,B,C,D...). So sector values are relative to the drive letter and not an absolute value. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Communications =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are several ways to communicate with other programs. One can use EdHak as an editor for telecommunications programs, as stated earlier. One can also use the clipboard option, to move data between different programs. This is true if running under MultiTOS or running EdHak as a desk accessory. One can also upload the contents of the buffer, to either the serial or midi ports, with ease. A very handy feature is called KWIKSEND. This allows one to send a block through the keyboard buffer. Why is this useful? When using a program (such as a database, spreadsheet, or word processor) that does not allow merging of text/data from another file, just call on EdHak. This also useful for users of on-line services such as GEnie, CIS, Delphi or any BBS. One can quote previous messages and then use KWIKSEND to paste the contents, into the current message being written. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Configuration =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are several options that can be changed by the user. These are the defaults used by the program. Most of these options can be changed at anytime during the editing session, except for the buffer size. a) Insert or Overwrite mode b) Left and Right Margins c) size of tabs (in number of spaces) d) date format MM/DD/YY (ie 12/2/1990) or Day Mon Year (ie 22 Oct 1933) e) automatically word wrap (on or off) f) default font size g) automatically load a file upon starting the program h) save backup automatically (on or off) i) Auto Indent (on or off) -- useful for source code editing j) location of the clipboard (complete pathname) k) Printer Initalization l) buffer size (default is 10K ... must exit and restart, to take affect) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Things to do =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EdHak can be used for many different things. I have used it for editing binary files and examing large database files. Others use it for note taking, source code editing, editor for a telecommunications program, data recovery from damaged files, or hard disk partitions, repair of RTF (Rich Text Files), editing RAM, looking at ROM, etc. There are so many uses for this Super Editor is quite amazing. And for $29.95 it is a real bargin. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Conclusion And WISH LIST =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The program EdHak is very useful and does not have any any bugs that I discovered. I have been using it since version 2.2 and this version (3.02), feels rock solid. There have been many revisions since the program's shareware days and its close to perfect. Well almost I still have some suggestions. There are several things on my wish list for EdHak. Including dissasembly of RAM/ROM/buffer option. Display the byte offset from the start of the file, multiple GEM windows with cut/copy/paste between windows. At the back of the manual there is a nice quote "If there's a feature you want or a bug you've found, please don't sit there frustrated -- contact Clear Thinking ... " Craig Harvey (the author of EdHak) is a very easy person to talk to, so do not hesitate to contact him if you have any questions. You can find contact information at the end of this article. If one is still not convinced this is a good product they should get a demo of the product. Then one can try it out for him/herself. Demos are available on GEnie, Compuserve (CIS), major BBSes and directly from Clear Thinking. The demo limits the buffer size to 4K, while the commercial version does not have that limit. Clear Thinking 2753 Plymouth Rd, Suite 137 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA GEnie e-mail: c.harvey GEnie EdHak/Diary support area: CATegory 2, TOPic 40 CompuServe e-mail: 73047,600 Modem (Clear Thinking BBS): 313-971-6035 3/12/2400 Fax: 313-761-3299 (NOTE: You must write the following voice number on any fax sent to me so I will be notified of it.) Voice: 313-971-8671 (non-business hours are best) EdHak $29.95 (desk accessory or program by changing the file extender) ST/STe/TT/Falcon030 and MultiTOS compatible in all resolutions NOT Copy Protected --==--==--==--==-- ||| The Unabashed Atariophile ||| By: Michael R. Burkley / | \ Delphi: MRBURKLEY GEnie: AEO.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Well (a deep subject!), a lot is happening in the world of Atari lately. The Jaguar has been officially released. It's good to see people paying serious attention to Atari again. It's been too long a time. I expect that the Jaguar's success can only help all of Atari in both the short and the long run. I'm anxious to see a Jaguar myself (and my son is volunteering all his birthday and Christmas money towards one), but I'm still looking forward to buying my Falcon030 first. Another exciting idea on the scene is the Atari United! Nationwide Usergroup. What an excellent idea; well planned and implemented. I just received their special Glendale Show edition of their new disk based magazine. When I first read about it I thought that $16 for a quarterly disk magazine was too much (I must think I'm living in the time of five cent candybars!), but after seeing the magazine I've become convinced of the error of my thoughts! What a deal! It's full of interesting articles, reviews (including one by some guy called "The Unabashed Atariophile" - seems to me I've heard of him before!), and files. Contact Gordie Meyer (BIBLINSKI@DELPHI.COM) or Patti Barbiero (ABARBIERO@DELPHI.COM) for more information on getting a subscription. I recommend it to you. Another thing that has been coming up recently (again and again) is the price of Atari Corp. stock. I share a wish with many Atarians recently. I wish that I had bought Atari stock when it was less than a dollar a share! Just imagine all the money we would have made! To me the price of Atari's stock is a good metaphor for the entire company. I remember when people just badmouthed the stock price and bemoaned the demise of the whole company. No one is saying that now (well, some might be ). What does all of the above have to do with PD and Shareware software? I thought that I would search through my files and pick up some of the programs geared towards the Stock Market and finances. There are quite a few of them, but I'll just pick out a few for your review. These won't be new files, but you can still find them, especially on Delphi and GEnie (two EXCELLENT online services!). ù STSTOK40 is the STock->Smart v.4.0 demo by Mark Cawthon (the author of GOGO->ST). STock->Smart is a stock charting program with a portfolio spread sheet. Up to four chart windows may be displayed at any time, along with one portfolio window. A terminal program, which allows easy access to GEnie's FREE daily quotes, and a daily to historic quote converter program are part of STock->Smart. Chart high/low/close, closing only, volume, weekly-daily, moving averages, etc. All daily quotes are converted to the historic format used by GEnie's QUOTE$ historic database and appended to the previous records for each stock you choose to track. Download past price history on any security in the GEnie QUOTE$ download format and instantly see the chart. Use the line drawing feature to highlight trends and help make price forecasts. Lines are retained when the chart is resized and may be saved with a chart for later update! This demo version of STock->Smart has been rigged to track just five set stocks and only 12 transactions per portfolio, but all other features are 100% operational. ST/STe/TT compatible (with at least 512 K of RAM). Color or mono. It seems to be a high quality program. I only wish I had enough money to buy enough stock to make it useful to me! 297K uncompressed. ù STOCKS is STocks & Bonds v.3.0 is the ALF Engineering version of Avalon Hill's Stocks & Bonds. For those of you unfamiliar with Stocks and Bonds, it is a game (NOT a simulation) based on the fast-action stock market. Play the Stock, Bond and Commodities Markets, buy, sell and trade. Play by yourself or with multiple players. Color or mono. Docs included. ù STOCMRKT is a program simulation of the Stock and Bond markets by Anthony L. Fisher. Make your millions right here as practice for the real thing! Detailed instructions on how to play and modify the game are included. ù WALLST by Tony Lovell is a stock trading game that is a lot of fun! You start with $10,000 and try to make your fortune on the Stock market. Buy and sell, watch the trends, listen to the conflicting recommendations of Cautious Charlie and Wild Eyed Willie, receive dividends and more. You can watch the history of your stocks (and those not yours) on a ongoing graph. Each game is different. Can you make yourself a millionaire? Try it and see! Color only. Now for some programs that can help you to manage your Non-stock portfolio! ù BIGBUX14 by Thom Rechak of Krystalware is a new version of a good financial program. If you need to know how much money you will end up owing on a loan, or how much you can afford to borrow, this program is for you. Just about every financial question you might have can be answered by this program (except where to get the money!) SHAREWARE. Color or mono. Docs included. ù MICROCHK or MicroCheck ST by Clayton Walnum Copyright 1989 by Clayton Walnum, the author of the famous 8 bit Microcheck. This program will do everything that you need done with your checkbook at home (except arrange to have more money deposited.) A classic program that has not lost its edge. Sometimes you will find this file with docs included in it and you can find the docs separately. Shareware. ù MONEYMAK is "How to Make Money With Your Micro" by Steven Howlett and Alan J. Beards. This program is basically a disk based newsletter that gives you many practical and encouraging ways to make money using your ST. Have you ever seen those "Make a Million Dollars in Your Spare Time Next Week" ads? This isn't one of those "programs." It tells you right from the start that making money is hard work, and you don't make a lot right from the start. It gives you hints on how to use your ST in WordProcessing, Video work, advertising, and many more ways. I found it very interesting to read. Color only. Now on to _some_ (I have about 100 more!) of the files I've downloaded this past week or so: ù AEOPJ2 is the October 16, 1993 issue of the AEO Programmer's Journal. I'm glad to see this second issue of this needed resource. It's also something to remind me of how much I don't know... and how much I can still learn! Here's some of what you can find there (I'm putting in the whole listing because it has something for practically every programmer - great work guys!): * Editorial * Meet the Authors ............. short biographical notes on the authors * What is in this issue of AEO-PJ * A note from the IAAD .............. They want to help Atari Developers * 68K Column ................. Some Assembly Required by Damien M. Jones * C Column ....................... First steps to learning C programming * Advanced Computing ..... Carl Barron explores a practical side to Flex * Hard Core .... Interview with Charles Smeton author of STraight Fax! 2 * Dabbling in PASCAL ......... Kris Gasteiger explains Pascal and Sherry * Practical DSP .................... Programming the 56001 by BrainStorm * LIB [ new file(s) ] ................. X11R5 and GNU CD-ROM disc review * Periodicals ......... The Atari Compendium reviewed by Damien M. Jones * OBJECT::ATARI ............... Warwick Allison examines C++ and GEM VDI * In the Trenches ............ Solving "real-world" programming problems * Language Watch ................... Current versions of developer tools * Bad Example ........................... Do you really want to do that? * On the Networks ...................... Interactive programming on-line * Network Sign-up Information * User View ............................................. by Ron Whittam * Brain Stem rotator ..................... A true programming challenge? * Glossary of Terms * ATARI DEVELOPER INFORMATION ..... Where to get the official Atari Docs * Sources of Information ..................... References for this issue * Post Increment ................... What is coming up in the next issue ù AGTSHELL is the Adventure Game Tookit Shell (AGT-Shell, posted by the author on Oct. 23, 1993) v.1.0.0 by Dan Panke (the owner of ST PLUG). The AGT-Shell is actually two programs used in conjunction with THE ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT (by David R. Malmberg and Mark J. Welch). The original AGT programs are a bit of a pain as they require the source code and compiled code to be in the same path as the AGT program files. AGT-Shell corrects this problem. As well, AGT-Shell allows the user to select the programs to compile or run via the file selector. ù AMPDEMO2 is a demo of the Atari MIDI Processor v.2.1 by Steven Lashower (dated October 31, 1993). This is said to be a very easy to use, powerful, step-entry sequencer for use with all ST--Falcon computers that can be used as a stand-alone step-entry program or in conjuntion with any sequencer that can load and save standard MIDI files. This version now includes the including a new multi-colored karaoke lyric display (neat!). Actually, this demo is a demomstration of their player routines that allows you to play (over your MIDI keyboard or synth on channel #1) the five included music files ("Honky Cat" by Elton John, "Come Sail Away" by Styx, "Orinoco Flow" by Enya, "Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles, and "The Brady Bunch" by Weird Al). The previous demo AMP_DEMO had five classical music files included (you can download that, too). This demo contains online docs that tell you in detail the capabilities of AMP. I like the care with which this demo has been set up. The functions are clearly seen and described and easily accessed. ST medium or high rez only. ù AMS++LIB is the Atari Machine Specific library (AMS) by Warwick Allison (dated 1992). The AMS library is a collection of C++ classes and functions that gives access to many features of the Atari computers sytems that are not normally found in general-purpose C++ libraries. Docs (for people who know what they are doing!) are included. 382K uncompressed. ù BANNER by Craig Baltzer is a PageStream document file that is a birthday banner he created for a collegue at his workplace. Drawn on the Birthday Account and void if "Over the Hill," this is an interesting banner! Directions for printing it out are included. PageStream required! ù BISN119B is the Bison parser generator v.1.19b. Bison is a parser generator in the style of yacc. It should be upwardly compatible with input files designed for yacc. Only the diffs, executable, and supplemental files are packaged in this archive. I know this has something to do with programming but other than that I am completely in the dark. Does anyone want to clue me in? ù BLRMIDI6 is a set of 45 original midi files created by bud rasmussen, v. 6 (dated October 12, 1993). Created on a 386/40 (!) using Music Printer Plus, a Sound Blaster Pro card, and a Casio CT-700 keyboard/ synthesizer, these files are briefly described in an accompanying text file. Well done. Found on the CodeHead BBS. ù BOOKS is an ASCII file from Purple Mountain Computers that lists 1000's of computer books they have for sale (at 50% or retail price). Ordering information included. ù BOP_UTIL is the ROBO BOP Utilities v.1 by Frank Vuotto of F10 Software (dated 1993). This file contains two utilities that you can use to make your Robo Bop program even more useful. The first, BOP2BIAB is a program that will convert Robo Bop drum files to Band in a Box .STY files. The second is MIDI2BOP, will convert MIDI files to Robo Bop patterns. This will work with all versions of Robo Bop from 1.4 and up, including the demo. Docs included. ù CLOCKSET is ClockSet v.2.05 by Todd R. Thedell (dated March 1990 but just uploaded Nov. 4, 1993). This archive contains two programs that will allow you to set the internal clock in your ST/STE. One allows you to do this from the desktop (GEM based) and the other will run from the AUTO folder and prompt you for a response (with an automatic continuation if there is no response after 20 seconds). Color or mono. Docs included. ù COMA_130 is the demo version of Coma v.1.3 by the SOFTBŽR-Team (dated Oct. 14, 1993). This is a .ACC/.PRG Shareware fax send and recieve software package from Germany. This is limited in that only the top 500 lines of any FAX will be sent. Simply by clicking a button in the program you can switch between English or German versions of the program. Docs (German) included. Lots of features, but you are going to have to check them out. ù CONCEPT is an amusing Extend-O-Save module for Warp 9 version 3.8x (from CodeHead Technologies) by Tom McComb (dated Oct. 17, 1993). Watch the wriggling sperm chase after the huge eggs! The uploader says that it's a return to our original concepts (a bit of a pun there!). But I doubt it because I watched for quite a while and didn't see any chance meetings along the way! You can put this in the demo mode (for all of you non-Warp 9 v.3.8x types out there) by re-naming the .EXT to .PRG. Note: This module will work in my 25 MHz mode (using my T-25). It works fine at 8MHz. ù CYBERWOM is a .GIF picture of a cyber-woman (one of the characters in TRON by Disney?). The view is of her head looking up. Most of her head (except the front of her face) is covered by mirrored metal. ù DALEKEOS by Daniel W. McAndrew is his second Warp 9 Extend-O-Save module, and was created with Image Swap. This module requires Warp 9 version 3.80 for use as a screen saver, but it also can be run as a standalone program to see what it's like. This module was created with Doctor Who fans in mind. This time the Doctor is in serious trouble! Check out who is chasing him across the blackness of space and time. Found on the CodeHead BBS. ù DEALERS2 is a text file that lists 38 Atari dealers that Steve Kiepe of Current Notes magazine has collected. Some I recognize from magazine ads and online support, others I haven't heard of before. ù DSP_DOTS is a nice demo for your Falcon030 that shows a transparent spinning globe that is composed of a large number of dots. I assume from the name that it uses the DSP chip to do the animation. A Falcon owning friend liked this one. From the CodeHead BBS. ù EKO_DEMO is the Eko Demo for the Falcon030. It is a fairly small, but decent demo which utilizes the DSP for its visual magic. ù ERRATTA is the Errata Sheet #1 by Scott Sanders, the author of the new book, "The Atari Compendium" (TAC). Dated Nov. 1, 1993 this Atari Works (and duplicate ASCII file) list the errors, omissions, and clarifications to infomation contained within the Compendium. If you are a programmer you will very likely drool over this book. It is truely an "everything you wanted to know about the Atari" book in relation to the operating system and hardware of all Atari TOS computers. ù FMAIL11A is the TripLink File Mail v.1.01a by Jared Addington (dated Sept. 29, 1993). This program allows for TripLink users to send files privately from user to user with descriptions attached using various protocols. File Mail 1.1a is compatible with both the 32 and 64 bit versions of TripLink BBS. It also updates v.1.1 in several cosmetic changes and with more efficient internal operation. Shareware. Docs included. ù FPATCH 2 is an official patch from Atari that fixes two problems in the Falcon BIOS (TOS 4.00-4.04). The first is the problem that causes the Sound to not initialize properly and the second is the fix for the Bconmap() which doesn't work. Run this from your AUTO folder. If you have FPATCH1 use this instead. It fixes the problems much more usefully (see the docs). ù GEM++1.8 is the GEM++ : C++ libraries for GEM/AES/VDI v.1.8 by Warwick Allison. These files require the GNU C++ compiler and Bammi's GEMLIB patchlevel 30 or better or MiNTLIBS patchlevel 34 or better to be useful. Docs included. ù GRAMRIAN is Grammarian v.1.0.1 by Dan Panke (the owner of ST Plug, the sole commercial distributor of Budgie UK Software in North America). Grammarian is an easy-to-use (I don't see how it could be any easier - it's downright simple!) program designed to look at text files and check for word usage, spelling problems, and some grammatical rules. Grammarian may not be right in everything it finds but it does present some good reminders. This version is only different from the one before in that it will tell you if you try to install it in a resolution other than ST High or Medium. It also is an attempt to fix a small bug that sometimes only allows a partial display of the gramatical comments on a phrase (this still isn't quite right, but it really isn't a significant problem). Docs included. ST-TT compatible (at least). (Uploaded by the author on Nov. 3, 1993.) ù G_ORACLE is GEnie Oracle v.1.02 by Paul Lefebvre (dated Oct. 20, 1993). If you have STalker and you use GEnie, then you should have this BackTalk Script that automates GEnie. If you have a Falcon030 be sure to get this version as it is fully Falcon030 compatible (Aladdin isn't). Using this script you can get and send GEMail, messages, read and reply to BBS conversations, and download files... all in the background, and all while you are asleep in bed (if you wish). If you have STeno (another excellent program) this script will take full advantage of STeno's power. It is very easy to set up and configure. This Shareware program is worth getting (and registering - the very first time I used it I decided to register it! I did so and received the registered version in the mail in just a few days, along with a nice letter. The registered version has even MORE features). Oracle requires STalker 3.0x or higher (and since STalker works on a Falcon this should as well). Detailed docs included. Oracle is fully compatible with Geneva (I think Geneva from Gribnif software is fantastic!) and MultiTOS in their multitasking environments. See Oracle for the Delphi version of this wonderful Script. ù HEADCODE by Tom McComb (dated October 21, 1993) is the HeadCode Extend-O-Save module (.EXT created using IMG_SWAP) for Warp 9 v3.80. It shows an animated (turning side to side and with glittering eyes) CodeHead Technologies logo (many of them) traveling down the screen. An occasional "Warp 9 from CodeHead" is shown as well. He presents it with apologies to the CodeHeads! Run as a demo by renaming the .EXT to .PRG. ù HPDJ_PNT is two printer drivers adapted from those included with DynaCADD so that they now will allow the HP DeskJet printer to print out in US Legal size. One driver is for 150 dpi while the other is 300 dpi. ù INFOCOM is really three files found on Delphi. Together they make up the complete (source code, programs, and game file) Infocom PD Game Interpreter. Infocom has created some wonderfully detailed text adventures. Some have been ported for the ST, but mostly they have been for other systems. But now with this interpreter all you need it the STORY.DAT file from any Infocom game disk and you can play that game to your hearts content (or frustration as the case may be!). There are some inexpensive collections of Infocom games out there now (remember, you can read those IBM disks!). ù INV_PAIN is a two game set from Sinister Developments. The first game is Space Invaders and the second is Painter. Both of them are the "I'll try it _one_ more time" variety games. Space Invaders is a faithful copy of the original (and it's difficult to blast those little beasties before they land!). Keyboard controlled. The download description file says that you need a 50/60KHz toggle program for North American machines, but it works fine on my STE without one (though I did need one to set the screen back to 60KHz when I quit unless I rebooted). Painter is a game where you need to maneuver your player to completely traverse a grid ("simple" at first, but of increasing difficulty with each higher level). As you move about each block you "paint" it. There is a little nasty that keeps chasing you though, and you DON'T want to let it catch you. You run through the grid, using the keyboard (keys selected at your preference). One saving item is that you can drop bombs to block the nasty's movement and hopefully even trap it away from you. Both games are color only. Any ST-STE. Not TT compatible (and accelerated ST/E's must be in 8MHz modes. Docs included. Recommended SHAREWARE. ù JAWS_II is an excellent Extend-O-Save module for Warp 9 version 3.8x (from CodeHead Technologies) by Mick Poche'. Watch the chomping sharks swim across the screen after some tiny little fish. I watched for quite a while and didn't see any shark get a meal. Too bad for the sharks but very nice for the fish! You can put this in the demo mode (for all of you non-Warp 9 v.3.8x types out there) by renaming the .EXT to .PRG. ù LASEDZOM is DES LASERS ET DES HOMMES (Lasers and Men) by Christophe Mallard and Arnaud Linz, two wacky Frenchmen. This self-extracting file is a pre-preview beta release of a shareware game for the Falcon which models itself after Castle Wolfenstein 3-D, a game available on the DOS compatible platform. The object of the game is to shoot as many enemies (men) with your weapon (laser) as possible before you are eliminated. Although it doesn't sound too exciting so far, the main feature of this game is its graphical representation. The game features excellent 3-D simulation in true color mode and is extremely fast. The object graphics included with the demo itself aren't particularly impressive and there are no sound effects thus far, but the author makes sure to note this is a very early version of the game and future versions will include: Better graphics, nice music and sound effects, multiple levels, improved presentation, DSP utilitization, level editors, and networkability. Needless to say, of the few (almost none) shareware Falcon games released so far, this beta release is the most impressive display of the Falcon's power and is also the best game. With the improvements the author mentions, the resultant product should be even more impressive, so please download it and let the author know you are interested! This game requires a Falcon030 in VGA or RGB mode and works even under MultiTOS! 2 meg uncompressed! (My thanks go out to Jay T. Millar on Delphi for the above excellent review. Since I don't have a Falcon he wrote the review for us all!) ù LCKYLT_C is Lucky LOTTO Numbers v.4.1 by Barney Poston (dated Oct. 10, 1993). This program will allow you to record and analyze lottery data for just about any state (Texas State Lottery info included) or regional lottery (ranges of 1 to 9 winning numbers out of a possibility of 15 to 60 numbers), and then print out numbers for you to "play" (on all sorts of printers). I'm amazed that there is a market for a program such as this. Analyzing random numbers to predict a future random number is a waste of time. I would welcome anyone to show me differently. If a lottery isn't random, it's fixed, and you certainly won't know about it! As the author's say, "Don't forget the quote from Forbes magazine 'Your chances of winning the lottery are the same whether you play or not!'" Now Color or Mono (though the author recommends that if you want mono get v.3.2 - LCKYLT32 in many databases). Mark Matts' GUI-4-GFA Construction Kit was used to create the source code for the excellent interface screens. Detailed docs included. ST--Falcon compatible. In any case, it's a well written, easily interfaced program. ù LINES32K is a demo program that will draw lines to the Falcon030 32K Truecolor mode. Includes Pure "C" source code. Line draw routines writes directly to video ram. Author unknown. ù MDIAL10E is MultiDialog (GEM-Dialogs in Windows), the English version, by Helmut Neukirchen (dated April 4, 1993). MultiDialog is an AUTO folder, .ACC, or standard program that puts nearly any GEM-dialogbox into a GEM-Window. The result is that you can access the menu-bar or other applications while a dialog is running. This means that you can leave MultiDesk, Maxifile, or hundreds of other dialog based programs and accessories in their own windows and continue to access other files! This is especially VERY useful for multitasking TOS-releases (such as Multi-TOS and Geneva) in that it allows some non-MultiTOS compatible programs to work in a multitasking environment! It allows you to configure the program for maximum compatiblity with your system. Though MultiDialog was designed to work with Atari's MultiTOS it runs with all other TOS versions, too (i.e., TOS 1.0 - 4.xx and multitasking enhancements like Geneva, MultiGEM or Magix. This version now comes with both English and German versions and with English and German docs. Color or mono. I recommend this to you. ù MDRW110 is MyDraw v.1.1v3 by Helmut Neumann (dated October 2, 1993). MYDRAW is a Drawing program for the Atari and closes the Gap between the pixel-oriented programs and the unhandy and expensive CAD-Programs. Using GDOS or SpeedoGDOS, MyDraw allows you to create and modify GEM metafiles (vector graphics like the kind produced by Easy Draw). It allows you to create and save objects, rotate them, insert text, draw freehand or with a multitude of tools, and many other functions (wow things like Bezier polylines and polygons. I recommend this program. SHAREWARE. Mono or large screen monitors only. Requires GDOS (or a GDOS clone) or SpeedoGDOS. Program and docs in German. I recommend a previous version (MD_ENGL v.1.06g) for which the docs have been translated into English by Mike Valent. ST--TT compatible. ù MINZ_EXT is four Extend-O_Save modules for Warp 9 v.3.8x. They are from "the Minz." They are of: A couple are just in time for Halloween, another features dolphins having some fun with a submarine, and the last is a variation on Minz's old "dunking bird" animation. With plenty of aloha. No docs. Description taken from the GEnie file listing. ù MMST299 is MaxiMiser*ST v.2.99 by Shawn Smith (dated October 1, 1993). MaxiMiser is a program that will allow you to read and respond to messages that you have downloaded from BBS through a QWK compatible door (eg.Qmail for PC Board or Maxidoor for FoReM). You just take your favorite terminal program, call the BBS that you wish to download your messages from (they must have a QWK compatible Door), enter that door (Have the SysOp point you in the right direction if you can't find the right Door), configure the program to your liking, download your messages and logoff. Sign-on at a later time to send off your replies. Save lots of money! This version uses GDOS if available. Docs included. He has been _regularly_ improving this product. SHAREWARE (slightly limited until registered). This works best with 1 meg of RAM or more, but will work with less. ST/STe/TT compatible. Color or mono. 373K uncompressed. ù MOVIE1 is a file containing two Digital Arts Movie demos. I had a friend of mine review them for me (since I don't have a Falcon). The first is DAVIDEO (2.65 meg uncompressed). He told me that this is a short movie, about 40 seconds long. He was impressed with this view of "something" like the prow of a Viking ship traveling over the sea. The orangish color and patterns are beautiful and quite arresting. On the other hand, VORSPANN (1.26 meg uncompressed) is, he said, relatively disappointing. The display looks like deep space with a solar system in the background. Rather crude block letters form from the background (in German) and that's that. Run these in True Color mode. This is a LARGE file to download - nearly 1.07 meg of compressed file. ù M_QWK118 is Mountain QWK v.1.18 by Mountain Software and Anthony Watson (dated Oct. 18, 1993). Mountain Software has provided us in the past with some of the prettiest, most functional programs around, and this time is no exception. This program, now compatible with GDOS/SpeedoGDOS (though not needed), MultiTOS and Genva and with improved window and mail handling over previous versions is a QWK reader/mailer with just about every feature you could wish for. Reading all your mail online can add up to a bunch of money! That's where Mountain QWK can come in handy. Using the QWK format available on many BBS's, message bases are collected, compressed, and tranferred out to you. You can search through them for specific messages or read them all offline (i.e., saving Money!) and reply to them off line as well, using your favorite editor as an external program if you wish. Everything you need (except the compression programs--and a computer setup with modem!) is included. This demo is limited (by even less than in previous versions) in the number of messages it can capture and the replies you can send (plus some other minor irritants designed to get you to buy the program!). Clearly written docs (Yeah!) are provided. Requires at least one meg of RAM (more is better) and an ST--Falcon computer. The author provides excellent and active support of his shareware. Contact him with a problem and he will fix it! ù NIXPUB is a listing by Phil Eschallier of Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites that you can access, sometimes for a fee and sometimes free. This list dated Dec. 12, 1992 also contains some phone numbers that will allow you to access the NET. Found on the CodeHead BBS (and the GEnie Science section, category 5). ù NOSTRAM is an excellent Shareware game by Dan Walton of Powerfist Productions (dated Feb. 11, 1993). Powerfist has brought us Henchy 2010 and Snott (what a name!). Your task (and you've already decided to accept it) is to collect the five crystals hidden in the Nostram Tower, that place of evil and death left by evil beings when they created the Tower before they left earth. You travel about the the tower's rooms and collect all the treasures, food, and other items you find there (but make sure you don't collect any of the monsters - or let them collect you!). The colors, graphics, and sounds are excellent. Joystick controlled. I recommend this one to you. Requires 1 meg of RAM. STE compatible (at least). ù OMEGDEMO is the Omega II demo disk from Dr. T's Music Software (dated July 16, 1993). This disk includes demo versions of the Keyboard Controlled Sequencer, and the Tiger, Song Editor and Mixer MPE modules. The Keyboard Controlled Sequencer is the main recording module of the system, and also provides Event List editing. The other modules should be started from within KCS using the MPE menu or the MPE box. Tiger provides piano-roll editing of track and sequence data. The Song Editor allows KCS sequences to be combined into songs. The Mixer provides automated mixing. A tutorial file is included. I think all of these will run on a one-meg machine, but if you have two or more a shell is included which will allow you to run them all at once! Color or mono. ST-Falcon compatible. ù PACMAN_E is PacMan on E's by Stuart Innes of Digital Dreams (dated 1993). There are a lot of PacMan clones wandering around being chased by ghosts these days, but PacMan on E's is different from any of them. The colors are brilliant, the joystick control is smooth and easy. There is also nice sound and a number of little "extras" that make the game interesting (things like 20 levels, stereo sound at 25 or 50 KHz, and more). One thing I like is that when PacMan swallows one of his pills the ghosts don't slow down, but PacMan speeds up. You can really zoom around the screen. Requires an STE with at least 1 meg of RAM. If you register you will get a two player version with LOTS more features. If you like PacMan, I recommend this program to you. ù PENTAGON is Pentagon's "Pentagonia" demo for the Falcon030. This is a large multipart demo with some very impressive screens! Works on RGB/TV, and I don't know if it will work with a VGA monitor. The main program is 829K long and has been PFX packed (before packing, it was over 2.5 megs!). ù PLASTIC is a demo for the Falcon030 called The Plastic Demos. It will only work in the TV mode on your Falcon. I've been told it is pretty good for a demo of its relatively small size (271K uncompressed). I don't have a Falcon yet to check it out! The archive comes with a separately attached file advertising the BBS of Zaphod Beeblebrox. I wonder if this is the same Zaphod from the IAAD expose' on Software Pirates (see PIR_BBS). Now I know where not to call (yuck!). The following is a series of .PNT pictures which could very well interest you Falcon owners out there. They are 640x480x256 color pictures which will work nicely with the SlideShow EOS module and Warp 9 v.3.80 (and a VGA monitor, the SC1224 won't do, but I imagine a multisync would work, too). ù AFTRGAME is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of grown man holding a small sleeping boy wearing a baseball cap. All sorts of warm fuzzies with this one! I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù ALL_LIFE is is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of... something. It is a painting entitled, "All Life in a Day" and dated March 24, 1993. I really can't make much sense out of it other than it seems to depict some sort of cyclic idea of life (partly deduced from the title and partly from the picture!). I wouldn't say that this is the picture's fault so much as the inability of my STE to show more colors at a higher resolution (I would like a Falcon!). I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù BIG_BANG is is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of a painting by Angel Studios (dated 1992). It shows a central explosions shooting out in all directions. Blobs and streaks of light, and of darkness predominate in this picture. The colors are black, white, dark blue and muted red. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù BONJOUR is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of the head of a woman looking out at you. She's not smiling and is looking rather quiet. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù CENTRCAL is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of a Central California (?) landscape. This picture shows a grassy meadow with a small grove of trees off to the left and in the background. An overgrown rutted road meanders through the meadow. The mountains in the background and the blue sky and clouds above form an important part of the picture. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù CODE_QTS is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture that shows the following text: "You are watching a slide show presented by Warp 9 and the Extend-o-Save Screen Saver. The CodeHead Technologies logo is shown at the bottom. Oh yes, a picture of a woman (identity unknown) wearing a few feathers (and a strategically placed forearm!) adorns the side of the picture. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù CROSSOVR is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of a worn and cracked set of stone steps. At the top of the steps you can see a person's bare calves and feet stepping off into the air and continuing the climb up the (now invisible) stairs. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù ELCAPITN is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture that gives you a view of El Capitan, a large peak in Yosemite National Park. The view is from the meadow near the main lodge (It's been 13 years since I was there and I'd like to get back before another 13 years goes by). Beautiful. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù FROSTY is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of what appears to be a giant sculpture made out of ice and melting in a dry cracked desert. It's an interesting painting by Dan Farmer, but I'm not sure that I've described it nearly correctly (the ol' "computer can't display those colors and resolutions" trick, eh). I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù KAUAIPLM is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of a view looking up at a number of large palm trees. The viewpoint is interesting (those trees look big), and the scene is peaceful. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù LIZARDS is a Prism Paint (.PNT) sketch of a large number of humanoid reptiles exiting a spaceship and attacking two humans. The man is fighting them off with a ray gun while the 95% naked woman looks on. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù MARIKO is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture by Martinique of an oriental woman painted as an antique Japanese-styled silk painting. While the style appears antique the model's face and carriage seems too modern to be an authentic/old painting. I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù MUSICIAN is a Prism Paint (.PNT) picture of an acrylic painting by Billy Dee Williams of a group of musicians (not photo-like but rather "Van Goghish". I viewed this using PicSwitch v.1.01 in ST Low Res.. ù ORACLE is Delphi Oracle v.1.00 by Paul Lefebvre (dated Sept. 14, 1993). If you have STalker and you use Delphi, then you should have this BackTalk Script that automates Delphi. Using this script you can get and send mail messages, read and reply to BBS conversations, and download files...all in the background, and all while you are asleep in bed (if you wish). It is very easy to set up and configure. If you have STeno (another excellent program) this script will take full advantage of its power. This Shareware program is worth getting (and registering - I have). Requires STalker 3.0x or higher (and since STalker works on a Falcon this should as well). Detailed docs included. (See G_ORACLE for the GEnie specific script). ù POLYFILM is Polyfilm by Martin Brownlow (dated June 1, 1993). Polyfilm is a SHAREWARE Raytracing/Animation program with it's own built-in editor. This program has a zillion different options, far too many for me to describe, especially when I know next to nothing about the necessary details of Raytracing & Animation. It is a very easy to control program with the ability to set lightsources, place and rotate objects (MANY varieties), and view your raytraces/ animations. Basically, I can say that I really like the included animations in this program. I think you will, too. Color only. Docs included. This demo is limited that you can't save your objects in the editor and a similar limitation in the player. Works on my STE (I imagine others as well, but I didn't see any mention of them). ù RPHEAD by T. Hebel is a .FLM animation file entitled: "The Original Robot Parrot Head Animation." This is a TTLOW 256 Color animation file. Requires a TT030 and a color monitor. 555K uncompressed. ù RUNDOWN is a WordFlair document by Bob Saldana that he uses as a rundown sheet with his Cable show. Print it out (using WordFlair), mark it up, and pass it out to keep all of those engineers and directors happy! ù SCRIBE is the Scribe BackTalk script for STalker 3.x by Jon Emery. Scribe will record an online session, conferance, or anything else that is received by STalker. You can send the Text you receive to your printer, a disk, or to STeno. Docs included. Also included is a plug for Paul Lefebvre's BackTalk Script, Oracle. I agree: get Oracle, and while you're at it, get this file, too! ù SPECFALC is a program that will allow you to display Spectrum pictures on your Falcon030. At least that's what I think "Spectrum Emulator For Falcon" means. No docs separate from the program. I don't know what is in the program itself. 104K uncompressed. ù SPINDRY1 by Damien M. Jones is his corrected Spin Dry Extend-O-Save module v.1.01. This module will spin your desktop screen around as if it was in a running clothes dryer! If you don't use 16- or 256-color 80-column displays (i.e. you have an ST or STe) then the original file (if you already have it) will do you fine. Otherwise, get this excellent module from the author of SoundLab v.1.11 and View II (among many others). To run outside of Warp 9 v.3.8x rename the .EXT to .PRG. Docs included. ù STACYOFF is the STacy Screen Killer! v.1.0 by Gregory A. Whelchel (dated Sep. 26, 1993). This program (running from the desktop or AUTO folder) and .ACC will allow you to completely turn off your STacy screen when you are using an attached Mono monitor (the OS does that automatically when you have a color monitor attached). This saves your STacy screen from a lot of wear and tear, and saves your ears and nerves, too (How's that? The STacy screen gives off an annoying 15KHz squeel that you don't really notice 'till it's gone). Docs included. STacy required! From the CodeHead BBS. ù STORM100 is Storm v.1.00 by Alan Page (the author of the original Flash! telecommunications program). Alan Page has continued and expanded the programming tradition he began with Flash! and has produced the long-awaited Storm. Storm is a shareware GEM-based terminal that operates in a window (with pull-down menus and hotkeys). Custom font and text routines make this program zip along! You will find multiple editing windows (with word wrap!) and your capture buffer windows are moveable and resizable. With MultiTOS or Geneva the number of windows is limited only by available memory. It comes with a powerful script language (an interpreted BASIC, with lots of sample files) with a full- screen editor, online help, and command extensions for telecommunica- tion. You will find a lot of up-front power in this program, but there is a lot going on behind the scenes as well. Things like background file transfers that don't require a reset-proof RAMdisk, background dialing, multiple terminal emulations (presently TTY , VT100, and Vidtex), and MUCH more are all supported. You can transfer files using Ascii (built-in), BPlus, Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem. Storm even supports the extra serial ports on TT and MegaSTE as well as Falcon serial ports. Color or mono. Docs included. SHAREWARE (with an interesting incentive to register!). Wow! ù STSAVE24 is the Soft-Sci Screen Saver, v.2.4 by Michael Crisafulli (copyrighted 1993). Now fully compatible with CodeHead Technologies Warp 9 Screen accelerator program (and more!), Soft-Sci is an excellent screen saver. This version fixed a bug which caused the balloons (see below) to stick on one side of the screen under certain conditions. This screen saver doesn't only save your screen - it lets you have a fun time doing it! When it is active it displays a black screen with a small picture bubble or balloon which moves continuously, bouncing off the edges of your screen. That bubble can be different every time you boot your computer (and now you can select the "bubbles" you wish to display by using the Warp 9 control panel). Color or mono. Docs included. SHAREWARE. With your shareware payment you get a stand-alone version of Soft_Sci (not requiring Warp 9), a program that allows you to edit the pictures bouncing around on your screen (and more). TOS 1.0--1.62 compatible (at least, and only compatible in ST resolutions). Requires Warp 3.7 or above. Found on the CodeHead BBS. ù TARDIS by Daniel W. McAndrew is an Extend-o-Save module created using the Image Swap program for the Warp 9 version 3.8x screensaver. It is especially useful for all of you Dr. Who fans out there. Check out the top of the Tardis and look for something in the center of the spiral galaxy. You can see this module in demo mode by renaming it's extension from .EXT to .PRG. ù TOMLWAIT is a 256-color GIF from Robert Altman's SHORT CUTS, which has opened to excellent reviews throughout the country. This image is a photo of Lily Tomlin and Tom Waits, who play Doreen and Earl Piggot in Short Cuts. I found that I wasn't all that excited about this image. Yes, it is pretty good, but it just shows the two of them reading the comics page together. Found on GEnie. ù T_TERM2 is Teddy-TERM v.2.00 by M.J.Matts (dated Oct. 23, 1993). Teddy-TERM v1.x originally started life as a simple shell program to allow you to use external protocols such as XYZ.TTP and Jekyll easily from within Vanterm, but since then it has grown and developed into a fully functional (no crippling) Shareware communications terminal program. It is simple enough that first time modem users can navigate their way through it, and yet adaptable enough for the power user as well. Mouse and/or keyboard controlled (both for all functions). Contains a nice capture buffer, features auto logon features (with a feature that allows T-Term to learn your own logon information and use it in the future), runs external programs, access installed .ACC, and much more. Requires XYZ201 (by Alan Hamilton) and Jekyll for transfers using those protocals. Extensive docs included. Color or mono (extended res. cards, too). ST-Falcon compatible. ù VISUSORT is the Visual Sort Demo routines (Basic source code only) by Anthony Watson, Blake Arnold, and Don Ravey. There are many sort routines for use by computer programmers (and anyone else). This program (actually three different programs by the three authors) provides you with a visual display of four different sorting methods (Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, ShellSort, and QuickSort), and provides with with time differences which show you their various efficiencies. Very interesting. Docs included. Color or Color and mono (more than one program, remember). ù WARPDISK is a Degas .PI3 picture of the Warp 9 Disk and label. Warp 9 from CodeHead Technologies is a screen acceleration program (and much more) that I would not willingly go without. You can use this picture as a background pic for your desktop, and, as the uploader says, "you'll never forget why your system looks so fast? I have to go to bed! Good Night! Take care, Michael All of these files can be found on one or more of the following on-line services: GEnie (M.BURKLEY1), Delphi (MRBURKLEY), The CodeHead BBS (213-461-2095), Toad Hall (617-567-8642), and The Boston Computer Society's Atari BBS (617-396-4607) (Michael R. Burkley). Drop me a line! Michael lives in Niagara Falls, NY. He is a former Polyurethane Research Chemist and is presently the pastor of the Niagara Presbyterian Church. --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To enroll as a Delphi subscriber, modem call 1-800-365-4636. Press -- -- [Return] once or twice, and type IP26 [Return] at Password: -- -- -- -- Answer all of the questions, and you'll be cleared for Delphi -- -- access in a few days. If you have questions about Delphi services, -- -- give a voice call to Delphi Member Services at 1-800-544-4005. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Dinolympics ||| By: Timothy Wilson / | \ Internet: wilsont@rahul.net GEnie: AEO.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Puzzle Developed By: Imagitec Design Comlynx: Nope, one player. Called "Humans" on just about every other platform out there, Dinolympics requires the player to move white bearded cave men around in a large scrolling area to achieve the task set before you by the chief. These tasks range from very simple: "Let's get the Spear", to hard: "Feed the god". To accomplish these tasks, your cavemen must work together. Whether it be boosting other cavemen up, or throwing required equipment to your pal, cooperation is at the heart of this game. At the start, cavemen can "Support" (enable another caveman to climb on the supporters' shoulders), and "Summon". Summon lets you create an object, at the expense of one tribe member, of which you only have ten to start. Ten is fine, as the first few levels only require 3 or 4 cavemen to complete. Summon also may not always be availible, and since it kills a tribemember in the process, is used only as a last resort. The objects that one can use are: ù Spear: guarding, pole vaulting, and killing ù Wheel: ride like the cavemen in the comic strip "B.C." ù Fire: Light fires, and ward off animals ù Rope: Help cavemen up to higher cliffs. As the cavemen aquire new objects and tools, they also gain the abilities associated with the object. So, after you pick up a fire brand, the caveman will be able to set fires to trees that get in the way. The first level is extremely easy (get the spear), and gets you aquainted with the controls. The buttons are easy to use, and soon you'll be climbing, vaulting and wheeling away with no problem. The second level is a good progression upwards in difficulty, you have to use the spear (which is now placed right at the start) to get the burning torch. The caveman currently controlled stays at the center of the screen, while the foreground scrolls in a slightly jumpy manner around him. The background features a bit of parallax, but nothing breathtaking. If you change cavemen, the screen slowly scrolls to the next caveman and puts a flashing arrow over the new one, to give a visual cue as to which caveman you now control. The icon box that displays what skill is currently selected and ready for use (climb, throw, etc) will move out of your way if the caveman approaches the edge of the level, and the screen stops scrolling, a thoughtful touch. The cavemen are drawn simply, but are easy to pick out in the scenery. I keep saying "cavemen," but "caveclone" would be more apt, as each one is identical to the last. I feel a few more sprites could have been drawn to at least add a sense of character to each "caveperson." Between some levels, there are pictures which show a caveman in doing something from the level (riding a wheel, holding a torch). As far as I could tell, they didn't repeat. Sound is nothing to write home about. A few different musical tunes play (it changes every level), and cartoony sound effects ("sproing" when jumping for example) that don't really add much, started to grate on my nerves. Levels with dinosaurs or other large beasties have a constant "crunch crunch crunch" noise as the dino walks back and forth. Music you can turn off, but the sound effects can't. When I first started to play the game, it was hard to put down. The first few levels kept me busy enough to keep my interest. But I feel the game has a SERIOUS flaw, you aren't given a password for every level, just every 4 or 5. So if I kick the bucket on level 4 (a nasty little level, I keep running out of time), I must go back and "get the spear", on level 1. This really became annoying, I abruptly stopped playing with it, maybe twice a day, mainly because I had to work through some time consuming levels, (5 & 6), before I ran out of time on level 7. I compare it to Chip's Challenge, which had passwords every level. Even though the level might have been hard, I sure didn't have to back up and play through previous levels again. Also, if you run out of time in Dinolympics, thats it, game over, time to enter that password again. In order to review the game, I grabbed the passwords from the internet, and played around at the higher levels, to which I can say that they are extremely difficult. Some levels must be completed with exact timing, not only for positioning a caveman, or jumping, but in that the clock is always ticking, if you divert in the wrong direction, even for a second, your chances of completing the level are significantly reduced. Verdict: Try before you buy. If you have the patience, and don't mind repeating levels alot, this game might appeal to you. My 10 year old cousin tired of it quickly, he didn't want to read the manual, let alone bother with helping each caveman across a pit. Ratings: ***** Really cool **** Neato *** I raised an eyebrow ** Eh...er..uhm. * This Bites... burn it. ' ' I'd pay people to take it. Sound: * I swear I've heard some of them from "Gauntlet III" Music: ** Ok music, at least it changes every level. Graphics: *** I can see stuff fine, but the scrolling is kinda jumpy Gameplay: *** Its really a neat concept, but it gets hard fast. Controls: **** Near perfect, sometimes too touchy. Overall: *** The lack of starting at any level really sucks. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Andreas' Den ||| By: Andreas Barbiero / | \ Delphi: ABARBIERO GEnie: AEO.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- //// Assault on the Computer Monarchs: //// Will Atari Find a Place in the Shuffle? (Patti's Note: Due to the lack of timely delivery of this article (written weeks ago) from Japan, Andreas may be a bit behind on some current events in the following article. I felt that the point he wants to make is still relevant, so I am leaving it untouched! The good news is that he will return to the US on November 15 and will begin writing with a renewed frenzy on all the new stuff happening in the industry!) From all sides, the existing status quo of computer manufacturers and software providers is changing. And even the roles of such companies like Apple and IBM are taking interesting twists with strategic business alliances and promoting alternative hardware and software. The next generation of long promised high technology is providing to be less than advertised when compared against products from other sources. In 1993 not only have we been waiting for the arrival of things like the Jaguar and the Falcon030, but the industry has been trying to predict the impact of the PowerPC and Pentium, the onslaught of the Personal Digital Assistant, new operating systems like NeXTSTEP and Windows NT, and the effect of the Norwegian bandy-legged macaques on IBM's manufacturing facilities. (Well, maybe not so much the bit about IBM's monkeys, all the apes seem to be in management and not on the assembly lines.) Good old Atari is making a big noise with the announcement of the Jaguar. Even over here in Japan, the guys I work with have mentioned the Jaguar to me. Expect the industry to start watching the Fuji again! Apple is in a liminal state, the recent drop of stock and investor confidence is not dimming the interest in the GUI based computer. Lower Mac prices might scare Wall Street, but sales seem to be doing well, even in the face of super cheap Windows machines. The long promised Newton personal digital assistant (PDA) is expected to actually make an appearance this summer, and while the features are expected to be highly sophisticated, they have been beaten out to the punch by other companies. There are few PDA style machines available, and they tend to run in the $3000-$4000 range. Now, of course this price range includes cellular communications and other neat toys, but most of what the PDA promises to a user is contained in units like Amstrad's PDA. Simple handwriting recognition and its other features make it much more than a glorified paper Daytimer, and the Newton may offer more, but other than being chic, it may not be priced right to penetrate the mass market. Too bad we don't have a STPad to gauge these machines against, even an Atari notebook portable would be nice. But I cannot complain too much, the Falcons are shipping in quantity, and the Jaguar is simply an amazing machine - 55 MIPS of 64bit processing power should be able to finally break the home market open to a console unit that will be able to run everything from virtual reality style games to interfacing a whole world of cable served interactive entertainment. Apple has also been busy with the PowerPC project. This microprocessor also known as the MCP601 is the product of Apple, Motorola, and IBM. The initial chip will be made by IBM, (who is also manufacturing the Jaguar!) with the follow on next generation chips being manufactured by good 'ol Motorola. This chip is in direct contention to the much hyped Pentium (P5) chip, and from first looks, the PowerPC should be able to beat it out easily. The most important factor in all computer technology is the price, especially in this commodity marketplace. Not only is the PowerPC almost half the price of the P5, but with the .6 micron architecture, the size and power requirements are much lower than the .8 micron P5. How much of a difference does this make? The MCP601 consumes at the worst case 6.5 watts at 50MHz or 9 watts at 66MHz. The 5 volt P5 chip will consume an average of 13 watts (16 watts peak) at 66MHz. Talk about making heat! All the extra engineering going into the dispersion of Pentium's thermal output should not be needed on the PowerPC. Apple's contribution to the chip was Mac compatibility. Even though the MCP601 cannot run 680X0 code, certain parts of the Mac OS has been implemented and a 68040 emulator has been included with the PowerPC system. It might be interesting for Atari owners to understand the prospects that this gives us. We may not need the Mac Application Services (MAS) built into the chip, but the openness of this chip to accept 680x0 code could allow for some interesting possibilities. There are many cross compilers and recompilers on the market targeted for the PowerPC, allowing everything from Windows/DOS to System 7 software to be reworked to run on the PowerPC natively. It is not impossible to see the GEMulator recompiled to run as a DOS program in a native mode on the MCP601, maybe even TOS could be converted in this way allowing for an Atari computer based on the MCP601 or even the big brother MCP604 chip. With a 64bit datapath and 32bit addressing, knowing how Atari places customized technologies in concert with each other, there may be a PowerPC based Atari machine based on the Falcon/Jaguar principle of combining such things as a DSP and digital codes to create a computer that can do far more than a single CPU could do alone, even with add on cards. //// Time-Warner and Atari - The Boys are Back in Town?? As was previously released, Atari has obtained the rights to Time-Warner Entertainment's library of copyrighted multimedia clips, which should allow the Jaguar, and possibly the Falcon to have some amazing games and interactive entertainment. But we all know the aims of Atari - its the aims of Time-Warner that is interesting to me. Time-Warner has stated previously that within 5 years they expect to have full interactive systems rolled out via fiber optics including full motion video, on demand movies, and interactive videogames. Now, what is needed for this is not just the entertainment titles (which they have) and the cable lines (which they have) or the future fiber optics (which they are getting through relationships with telephone companies) but the hardware that will allow a user to easily control all the options he is faced with. Typically a home computer would be the thing to use, but by the vast majority of people who own things like a VCR and cable TV, don't own a computer. Computers, are not appliances yet, and for the average person who doesn't want to learn anything more complicated than how to use a phone or a VCR, the implementation of a computer into the interactive entertainment market will scare people away. Videogame consoles, on the other hand are more appealing, as they have been in homes for years, and a console sophisticated enough to perform the tasks of a interactive entertainment controller, will sell. This is what the Jaguar will be perfect for. Considering that Time-Warner still has a hand in Atari's stock, a strategic alliance could take place, placing a Jaguar, or modified Jaguar, at the heart of Time-Warner's system. For those of us who are more sophisticated, the use of a full computer like the Falcon030, or any future 040 machine to interface the possibilities of wide bandwidth fiberoptics will afford a wealth of options only glimpsed at with the meanderings of cyberspace writers. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Atari ST RT News ||| By: John G. Hartman / | \ GEnie: J.G.H. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Atari RT Weekly News 11.1 -- STraight FAX 2.0 and Toad Computers Holiday Festival RTC -- On November 10 at 10pm EST JoinCharles Smeton and Dave Troy to discuss STraight FAX! 2.0 and the upcoming Toad Computers Holiday Festival, to be held on December 4th & 5th at Toad Computers! Don't miss this: a FREE copy of STraight FAX! 2.0 will be given away as a door prize! For more information on STraight FAX! 2.0, go to the Atari bulletin board CATegory 4, TOPic 24. -- "The Atari Compendium" and Software Development Systems RTC -- Scott Sanders will discuss the new Atari programming bible, "The Atari Compendium" in an RTC on November 24th at 10:00 pm EST. You'll also get the latest scoop on new products from SDS including the new color icon editor. A copy of the Compendium will be given as a door prize. For more information go to the Atari bulletin board CATegory 2, TOPic 39. Storm version 1.00 is now available for downloading, file # 30602. This is a shareware telecommunications program from Alan Page, original Flash program author. Storm features include multiple editing windows with true word-wrap, Basic script language, loadable file transfers and terminal emulations and background dialer. Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem and BPlus file transfers. VT100, Vidtex and TTY terminal emulations. Documentation included. Join the discussion in Category 8, Topic 2, STorm! ---------------------------------- 30622 BRODIE15.ARC - The Jaguar Rollout from New York ---------------------------------- = ATARI RT LIBRARY = = RTC TRANSCRIPTS = ------------------------------------------------------ 30603 JV_RTC.ARC X MIKE-ALLEN 931104 8704 29 13 Desc: JV Enterprises RTC 3Nov93 30240 BRODIE14.ARC X ST.LOU 931002 12800 368 13 Desc: Jaguar Fever 30232 FDMISSON.ARC X BRIAN.H 931001 11008 67 13 Desc: Fair Dinkum/Missionware 29 Sep93 RTC ------------------------------------------------------ = LAST MONTH'S PRESS RELEASES = ----------------------------------------------------- 30517 MW_SALE.ZIP X J.TRAUTSCHOL 931025 3712 84 14 Desc: Missionware Software Autumn Classic 30513 IS_DEMO.LZH X CYBERCUBE 931025 3072 76 14 Desc: InShape DEMO now available 30512 INSHAPE1.LZH X CYBERCUBE 931025 11520 63 14 Desc: InShape Modeler&Shader now available 30453 TOADSHOW.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 931020 6272 229 14 Desc: Toad Computers HOLIDAY FESTIVAL '93! 30448 SILH_PR.TXT X TOAD-SERV. 931020 2688 100 14 Desc: Silhouette Colortrace To Be Released 30435 TOADMODM.TXT X TOAD-SERV. 931019 4608 170 14 Desc: MODEM BUNDLES! GET STRAIGHT FAX! 2! 30432 BAREFOOT.TXT X C.FLUEGEL 931018 1152 145 14 Desc: Barefoot Software Specials! Read it! 30425 AW_BOOK.TXT X M.HEBERT1 931017 1408 112 14 Desc: Papa's Grafik Guide to AtariWorksWP 30403 APE93ADD.TXT X C.SMITH89 931015 896 81 14 Desc: Info on APE Newsletter 30359 CLASSDOC.ARC X G.WREN 931011 3072 32 14 Desc: Overview of CLASS_45, gradebook 30319 EASY_UP.TXT X J.EIDSVOOG1 931008 2048 361 14 Desc: Easier Upgrade Policy for Warp 9! 30318 GLMPR334.LZH X R.FAULKNER4 931008 28672 107 14 Desc: GEnieLamp Press Release #3.34 30309 RS20F_PR.TXT X N.BAKER4 931007 5632 61 14 Desc: Version 2.0F of RATSoft Released! 30308 GEMVW248.ZIP X CYBERCUBE 931007 4992 148 14 Desc: GEM-View 2.48 Press Release 30208 TRB_SALE.TXT X C.WALNUM1 930930 4224 121 14 Desc: Big discounts at Taylor Ridge Books! ----------------------------------------------------- = LAST MONTH'S DEMO RELEASES = ------------------------------------------------------ 30563 MDRW110.LZH X M.HEBERT1 931030 131968 104 10 Desc: MyDraw Ver. 1.10 GEM Drawing Prg 30556 ZOAT.ZIP X F.LIEW 931030 385152 88 10 Desc: awesome new game!!! 30554 CACHE277.ZIP X D.C.GOUTHRO 931030 30720 50 10 Desc: Master Cache V2.77 30506 IS_D100B.LZH X CYBERCUBE 931025 110720 60 10 Desc: InShape DEMO Version 1.00 Pt. 2 30505 ISD_100A.LZH X CYBERCUBE 931025 264576 65 10 Desc: InShape DEMO Version 1.00 Pt. 1 30459 EZT_PRO.ZIP X M.HEBERT1 931021 299392 45 10 Desc: Easy Text Professional DTP 30454 TDSPCTRM.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 931021 5888 62 10 Desc: True Color Spectrum Demo for Falcon 30426 WR_V134.LZH X ATARI.BENLUX 931018 131328 54 10 Desc: Winrec 1.34 Falcon030 HD recording 30374 GEN2DEMO.ZIP X G.RODGERS2 931013 80640 59 10 Desc: Version 2 of Genus CFN font editor 30331 M_QWK117.LZH X A.WATSON6 931009 81408 55 10 Desc: Mountain QWK Offline Reader (1.17) 30249 THRONE11.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 931002 25088 276 10 Desc: Flying Thrones 1.1, New Version ------------------------------------------------------ = LAST TWO WEEK'S TOP 10 DOWNLOADED PROGRAMS = ------------------------------------------------------ 30464 XCTRLDOC.ZIP X MIKE-FULTON 931022 11648 258 1 Desc: Documentation for XCONTROL 30447 MODEMTST.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 931020 26112 208 7 Desc: Modem Testing Utility from Toad Comp 30410 CLOCK11A.LZH X CODEHEAD 931016 6656 201 2 Desc: EOS Clock Module 1.1a 30495 MDTST102.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 931024 28160 184 7 Desc: Toad Modem Test Util. - Ver. 1.02! 30413 CONCEPT.LZH X T.MCCOMB 931017 7936 169 2 Desc: Concept #1 Extend-O-Save module 30532 GRAMARAN.ZIP X D.PANKE 931027 17280 168 2 Desc: Grammar Checking Program 30415 TARDIS.LZH X D.MCANDREW 931017 8320 167 2 Desc: Warp 9 v3.80 EOS Module 30424 ICU_1.LZH X T.MCCOMB 931017 7680 150 2 Desc: ICU Extend-o-Save module 30484 VOL_UTIL.ZIP X E.MONACO 931023 13696 146 2 Desc: NEW! Superb volume label utility. 30452 TREK_TOP.ZIP X J.TORRES17 931020 9984 143 5 Desc: Star Trek TNG desktop for Warp 9 ------------------------------------------------------ = LAST MONTH'S TOP 10 DOWNLOADED PROGRAMS = ------------------------------------------------------ 30254 STTALKCL.ARC X E.BAIZ 931003 15872 306 2 Desc: Talking clock acc for the ST. 30399 LIQPIXEL.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 931015 4992 285 2 Desc: Liquid Pixels Extend-O-Save Module 30329 GEMMULTI.ZIP X T.HOPPER 931009 15488 277 21 Desc: Improved desktops for all TOS vers. 30249 THRONE11.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 931002 25088 276 10 Desc: Flying Thrones 1.1, New Version 30362 LHARC230.LZH X L.SMITH70 931011 72704 266 40 Desc: LHarc 2.30 - October 9, 1993 30464 XCTRLDOC.ZIP X MIKE-FULTON 931022 11648 258 1 Desc: Documentation for XCONTROL 30394 JAWS_II.ZIP X M.POCHE 931015 8576 233 2 Desc: Updated Extend-O-Save module. 30337 FISHES.ZIP X M.POCHE 931009 11392 226 2 Desc: Warp 9 3.80 Extendo-Save module 30447 MODEMTST.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 931020 26112 208 7 Desc: Modem Testing Utility from Toad Comp 30410 CLOCK11A.LZH X CODEHEAD 931016 6656 201 2 Desc: EOS Clock Module 1.1a ------------------------------------------------------ = LAST MONTH'S INTERNET ARCHIVES = ------------------------------------------------------ 30560 INET70.ARC X DARLAH 931030 32768 31 48 Desc: Interner October 30, 1993 30557 INET69.ARC X DARLAH 931030 31872 22 48 Desc: Internet October 30, 1993 30540 INET68.ARC X DARLAH 931028 20992 38 48 Desc: Internet October 28, 1993 30514 INET67.ARC X DARLAH 931025 36480 32 48 Desc: Internet Oct 25, 1993 30479 INET66.ARC X DARLAH 931023 16640 34 48 Desc: Internet Archive Oct 23, 1993 30463 INET65.ARC X DARLAH 931022 45056 34 48 Desc: Internet October 22nd, 1993 30434 INET64.ARC X DARLAH 931019 10496 30 48 Desc: Internet Oct 19, 1993 30429 INET63.ARC X DARLAH 931018 29568 33 48 Desc: Internet Oct 18th 2nd edition 30427 INET62.ARC X DARLAH 931018 230144 22 48 Desc: Internet Oct 18, 1993 30314 INET61.ARC X DARLAH 931007 43008 36 48 Desc: Internet October 7, 1993 30285 INET60.ARC X DARLAH 931004 23936 29 48 Desc: Internet - October 4, 1993 30258 INET59.ARC X DARLAH 931003 39552 31 48 Desc: October 3 - Internet ------------------------------------------------------ --==--==--==--==-- ||| ||| Shutdown ............................ Power off, EXIT, BYE, Logoff / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm sorry this issue arrived late. Due to external circumstances beyond my control (and ken), AEO will no longer run Z*Net Newswire material, and will no longer retain Ron Kovacs as News and Features Editor. This decision has been reached after a period of painful questioning and requestioning, and is one that I take with the utmost regret. When I informed Ron of my decision, his response was, "After founding AEO, I am truly disappointed in being forced out of its operations." I'm pleased to be able to offer the many readers of AEO who can only access us via the Internet a chance to obtain AEO through a subscription service. If you have an Internet connection, drop Greg Lindahl a request at . We welcome feedback from all of our readers; feedback both positive and negative. Whatever you think of our efforts, we sincerely would like to know. Our EMail addresses are sprinkled throughout each issue - with the new Internet gateway into GEnie, you can reach us through the Internet also. Append "@genie.geis.com" to any of our GEnie addresses. Until the next issue of AEO, I remain, Your Editor Travis Guy Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com --==--==--==--==-- (This issue printed on recycled photons) --==--==--==--==-- DNFTEC --==--==--==--==-- #1 (9-0) --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine is a bi-weekly publication covering the entire Atari community. Reprint permission is granted, unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the article, to registered Atari user groups and not for profit publications under the following terms only: articles must remain unedited and include the issue number and author at the top of each article reprinted. Other reprints granted upon approval of request. Send requests to . Opinions presented herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, or of the publishers. All material herein is believed accurate at the time of publishing. --==--==--==--==-- Atari, ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT030, Atari Falcon030, TOS, MultiTOS, NewDesk, BLiTTER, Atari Lynx, ComLynx, Atari Jaguar, Atari Portfolio, and the Atari Fuji Symbol are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this issue belong to their respective owners. --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine "Your Only Independent Atari Online" Copyright ½ 1993, Subspace Publishers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A E O ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 2 - Issue 19 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 7 November 1993 :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::